Sunday, February 15, 2009


- deleted !

Pervious had alrdy been deleted, due to some reason, zZz . Dont bother to explain anymore, it's useless -.- Anyway ! Actually ytd I stayed overnight at XGBFF house ~ Hahaha, ate dinner at her house, blablabla ~ Was chatting & posting blog, then finally on bed ! But continue to chat on the bed, haha ! Till 1am I think ? Not very sure uhs . Morning wake up around 11 plus ? Im still tired :( Brush my teeth, waited for her mum to buy breakfast, ohmygod ! Althought it's jus beehoon, it's still nice (: Hahah . Okay, chatted awhile and went home then . Help Doris, Eve, Shirley & Guowei download song, haha ! Some quite nice, so put in my own mp3 too :D Okayokay, till 4 plus ? Headed to Temple with Zhong, zZz ! The weather is, bloody hot ~ Hahaha . Meet mommy, and left thr . Bus to Tampines Interchange, eat foodcourt ! Blabla ~ Headed to shopping after that ! Haha, bought 2 clothes . I pay myself :( And help mommy with her searching of shoe, which too super long, -.- ! Hahah . And oh-so finally she's done ! Called Daddy and he fetch us home ~ But now, left me & Zhong at home only, zZz... Well, gonna go bath & watch show later on ! With tidbits & soft drinks, now waiting for me ! Hahaha, byeeeeee :D

Oh btw, Tuesday Im not working ~ Tell you guys tmr ! <3>

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