Saturday, January 31, 2009

HELLOS ! Im finally back with some texts ~~ Hehes :x Sorry ah, been busy, and of cause Im lazy to post text ! Hahah, I now have mood to post uhs ~~ Hmmm, CNY was quite enjoyable ? Posted all pictures, and now gonna do a summary :x Lalala ! Alright, start with the 1st day of CNY !

First day, went to Temple, haha . TianYing saw me, but I didnt :x And last year we met too (: Anyway, headed to Grandma hse, we are the 1st to reach again, zZz ! Hahah ~~ Then went to 206, quite alot ppl thr alrdy uhs ! All my cousin and aunty ~ Ate smthg and started to play cards, lost abit :( Hurhur ! After that headed to WanQin house ~ Planned our night outing, and yea, I've watched the movie "The Wedding Game" ! Together with Carmen, WanQin & Zhong ! kinda nice uhs :D But the adv was super long I swear ! Hurhur ~~

Well, second day was lik, RUSH ! Cause total we headed to 6 places -.- Firstly, went to Mommy's godfather house . ANGMOKIO ! Then headed to Hougang I think ? Haha ~ I look lik Kor's GF !? Blablabla ~ Then bedok, 2 places ! zZzZz ! Alrdy falling sleep, cause not enough sleep uhs ! Well, supposely heading to 3rd Aunt hse, but everyone headed to Grandma hse alrdy ~ So headed to grandma hse instead (: Mahjong ! Hahah, I didnt play uhs ~ Cause ytd I lose :( Lalalala ! Headed home around 10 plus ? Cause nxt day work !

Okayokay, and third day of new year supposely I should go to work, but I didnt :x Hahah, stomach pain, zZzZz ! Went somewhr, only some of my close one knows ~ Lalala ! Bought a camera ~ Hohohohohos ! Finally bought my camera le :DDD And night, went to XY hse ~ Slack and chat till 11 plus ? zZzZzZz !

Well, skip till today ! Hahaha ~ Today went cycling with Juanjuan ! Hahaha ~ Long time since we met, and long time since I exercise :x Hohohohos ~~ Blabla ! Meet her at Tmart, then had our lunch . After that bus to Pasir Ris, cycled ! Rent the bike, 1hr for 1hr ~ And we left so much time you know !? Took photos && chat for quite long . When we return the bike, it's still early uhs ~ We return 20 min before earlier I think ? Hahah .

Headed to WhiteSand, for my Mp3 ! Hahaha ~ Bought, and Juan bought a bag too . Hahah ~ Well well, bought sushi . As we have the urge to eat :x Hahah ~ Bus back to my house nearby ? Ate the sushi and went home, zZzZz ! Lalala ~ After that, acc Jiahan to his godmother hse for dinner, but I didnt eat ~ Watching Haunted Masion, quite nice ? And it's quite a old song le ~ Hurhur ! Till his cousin came, then they played cards . Blablabla ! Left thr around 10 plus ? Meet Mommy and Im hungry ~ Ate noodles and then headed home ~~

My mp3 is charged alrdy ~ And tmr then i'll upload songs in . Cause it's late now ! Tmr going XGBFF house, hohoho ~ Im quite qidai ohs ! Byeeeeeeeee ~

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009


Well, on 23Jan, went to work as usual ! Blablabla ~~ Work till 9pm then leave :( And it's friday ! But my mood aint that good, zZzZz ~ Anyway ! Meet Baby, hahaha ~ And headed to Swensen for dinner ! Hahah ~ Super nice pleasee ! After that watch Love Matters, ohmygod ah ! Quite a funny show pleasee ~ And my dear baby keep laugh uhs ! Hahah ~ Around 12 plus headed home alrdy ! Ther's goes our One Month Baby ~~ Hahah !

Hurhur ! Yesterday night ate dinner at home, super nice ? Hurhur ~ Got sharkfin, abalone, prawn, fish & mushroom ! After dinner, played cards ~~ I won ! Together with Uncle & Bro ~ Hahah, and poor daddy is the banker ! Blablabla ~ Around 9 plus, headed to fetch Jiahan & then went to Temple ~ Doing nthg ther ! Hurhur ~ Listening to song, havin live concert :x Hahaha ! And my stomach hurts like hell pleasee ~~ Hurhur ! Around 12 plus headed to flower garden, hurhur ~ Bought a pot of orange I think ? Hahah ~ Im lazy to post photo uhs ! Now off to prepare to go out ~ Bainian ! Hahha ~

Hereby wishing everyone of my dear friend,

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Actually Im changing skins,
but no time . Cause ? (...........)
Whatever ! Happy new year everyone :D
I'll post when my mood is better ?
Bye ( _|_, pissedd** )

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


HELLO ! Im back to post alrdy ~ Ohmygod, weather is getting worst . Shines very hot, blwo cold winds, zZz ! Do take care everyone, dont get sick ~ Im sick btw :x Hahaha ! Yesterday work will 10.30pm I think ? zZz, kinda xinku I swear ~ Cause Im havng bad flu uhs ! And still gotta sneeze sneeze, super sick ~ After work meet Baby, hahaha ~ How thoughtful Of him to buy Panadol for me, upon knowing that Im haveing bad flu ~ Thanks Baby ! And he send me home, haha ~

Yup, didnt went to work today, zZz ! Cause had stomach pain early in the morning, super pain ~ Around 10 plus headed to see doctor, hurhur ! The doctor say Im having common flu, zZz ~ Total $25 ! Which I only have $20 cash, zZz ! Went to withdraw money then back to the clinic, ohmygod ah ! The door is locked when Im back, zZz ~ So waited for somebody to come and open door, dumb ! And they suspect my money is fake, come on la ! Well, Im abit scare also :x Bought lunch and gave the aunty the $10, which seems abit faded :x

Anyway, watching Hot Shot while eating ! Lalalal, mommy called and said that she's coming back ! Hahaha ~ There she came, asking me this and that :x But she helped me take water for medicine ! Haha ~ I swear, the med is so bitter :( I hate med, but no choice uhs ~~ Blablabla ! All the way till now, supposely wanted to change skins, but kinda lazy . Cause Im dozing soon ! Tonight gonna go but new year stuff, hahahaha ! I've complete my shopping for clothing, you ?

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Shopping Spreee ~~

Hahaha, obviously is not done by me :x Anyway ! Today went shopping with XGBFF, ohmygod ! I think I spend alot pleaseee ~ Meet her, headed to 445 for lunch, cause she miss the meepork, hahaha ! After that headed to Tampines Interchange, top up ezlink, then MRT to bugis ! Saw korkor @ MRT, hahaha ~ Ohmygod, his friend is quite handsome uhs :x zZzZzZz ! And alight at bugis, go take money, withdraw $40 !

Off to bugis street then, hurhur ~ Super lot of people please, zZzZzZz ! Squeezing here and thr, zZzZzZzZz ~~ And I bought total 2 dress, 3 tops, 1 skirt & a wallet ! Hahaha, the dress total both together is $28, then skirt is $25, tops is 36 & $10 wallet ! Total is $99 for clothings today ~ And plus food, drinks all these, shd be around $100plus le ba ? Hahaha ! Ohmygod, I spend so much today ~

Ohya ! Saw quite a number of people today uhs ? Saw delyvn, LiangLaoShi, Duck, GuanLeong, Auggy too ! Lalala ~ LiangLaoShi was shocked with my hair, she say : WHAT HAPPEN TO YOUR HAIR ! Hahah :x I was lik, I cut la, zZzZz ! And headed home after that, home alone ~

Didi ask me go dwnstair help him take things, okay . I went down, when Im super tired, super hungry ! Nvm, I waited for super long, with the super cold wind ! Im kinda angry !? Call him so many time, didnt pick up ! And finally he pick up, scolded him, and headed home without waiting for him :x Hahaha ! Blablabla ~ Baked my pizza, enjoy my food ! Hahaha ~ Currently online, and they are out for dinner ! Tmr gonna work till late nighs, zZzZz ! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, I love my hair ?

The dumbest people I know are those who know it all ~

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I cut hair le :(



HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! Laugh for all you want :x Update text later ! Byeeeeeeeeee ~ zZzZzZz ! MUSHROOM HEAD, HAHA :x


Im back again ! Hahahaha ~ Okay, starting off with Friday ! Friday, Im happy ~ My mood is super good I swear uhs ! I just dont know why uhs, hahaha ~ But early in the morning, Lina spoil our mood ! She scold us brainless, look who's talking uhs ~ Hurhur ! And the moment Lydia come, she complain lik a child to mother, zZz ~ Anyway, mood not affected at all !

Today kinda slack, chat and laugh with Jean ~ Hahah, super lame uhs ! Hmmm, lunch with Simin & Jean ~ Went to QIJI, nasi lemak ! Hahaha, nicenicenice :DD And back to work, all the way till I check those amount above $200k ! Hahaha, missed two, and it's me :x Blablabla ! Release around 7.45pm ? Then waited for Lucy, till 8pm ! Hahaha, me Jean Shirley & Lucy headed to 400plus ~ Had dinner at the coffee shop, kinda fun . Cause we are gossiping about people ! Hurhur :x Kepos uhs we ! Hahaha, and chatting happily uhs ~

After that send Shirley to bus-stop . While me & Jean headed to Lucy house, hahaha ! Ohmgod ~ Firstly, her house is Italian style ! Secondly, her daughter house totally full of Hello Kitty ! Third, she got a room for Karaoke ! Lastly, her son is super cute I swear ~~ And we keep disturb him, hahaha ~ Name nicholas, haha ! Anyway, we did enjoyed all along ~ Played along, sing like hell, and shout like nobody business uhs ! Headed home around 12am :x Hahahaha ! Jean took cab, I walk home :( Anyway, home and bath ! Then went to sleep ~~

Today woke up around 10am I think ? Hahaha, use com awhile, then went to prepare ! Meet mommy at 400plus, and went to eat first . Chicken rice & Sugarcane ! Hahaha ~ Then headed to the Salon, haha . The aunty thr super friendly uhs ! Just lik our friend, haha :x Anyway, had my hair washed and the aunty help me massage, super shiok :x Anyway, steam my head ! Hahaha ~ Stupid Kent keep say wanna eat my head after steaming :x Kanasai !

Lalalalala ~ Then Mommy perm her hair, didi cut hair ! Total, $150 ~ I pay okay ! Hahaha ~ I promised Mommy alrdy, so I gotta pay for her . Hahaha, didi anything la :X Hmmm, headed home after that ! Meet Daddy at the Lift, lucky he didnt laugh at my mushroom head ! Hahahah ~ Then use com, blablabla ! Federick called me & he say he's gonna come together with Baby ! Hahaha, ohmygod ~ It's lik 4000 years didnt get to see him ! Hahaha ~

Okayokay, and dinner was soup with rice ! Blabla ~ Anyway, webcam with Xiuyi ! Along with Federick, hahaha ~ Super funny pleaseeee ! And it's really fun ~ Blablabla, Baby got camera shy uhs ! HAHAHA ~ And they left at 11pm I think ? Now Im alone again :( Tmr gonna go shopping with XGBFF ! Hahahaha ~ And Im tired le, byeeeeeeeee ! 6 more day to 1month <3

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I love working !

Heyohs ! Hahaha ~ Finally it's my turn to post liao uhs ! Hahaha ~ Okay, early in the morning, stomach pain, zZz ! Super sian I swear ~ Spoil my mood ! Anyway, nearly late for work uhs ! Heng didnt :x And today still alright ba ? Chat during work, cause Yvonne not there yet ~ And cleared envelope together with Lina, hurhur ! Totally slacking anyway, cause she always slack de ma ! Blabla, super bias sia they all ~ Cause me & Jean wanna eat early, but they always ask us last, zZz !

Anyway, went for lunch at 12.30pm, zZz ! Super hungry, went to East-Link, for ManBian ! Hahaha ~ Tmr lunch will be QiJi ! Hohoho ~ Nthg much during work uhs ? Heard many rumours :x Eve pregnant, Pauline leaving ! Hahaha, totally nonsense uhs :x Hurhur ! And today Lydia talk to me !? Hahah, still joke around ~ Well, working is super fun nowadays uhs ! Hahaha ~

Today home early ! 7.30pm, leave together with Jean & Shirley ! Ohmygod, three of us totally look like idiot ~ Hahah . We are laughing at Lucy bad thing :x Hahah ! And gossip about SCB ~ Top secrets ohs ! And Shirley met his husband while working, cool ~ Hahaha .

Tmr friday, cool man ~~ I get to wear Tees to work, hahah :x Andandand, my dinner was chicken chop ! Saw my aunty:x Hahaha ~ Asking her about my cousin result, hurhur ! Much better then me uhs ~ Anyway, Im off to sleep alrdy ! Abit tired today, byeeeeeeeee ~

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Hellos ! Today, Im much much better I swear ~ Sorry to make you guys worried ! Hmmm, work as usual ! Today sat beside Eve, not so tired uhs ~ Cause she sure will chat with me, haha . They say they wanted to help me celebrate my bdae, ohmygod ! It's gonna be cool uhs ? March 11, hahaha ~

Well, and chat with them about the Retaking Olvl . Im still troubled about this uhs ? Cause Im afraid that I cnt cope uhs . Hurhur ! Anyway, gonna think properly ba . And no lunch for me today ! Super oh so finally, I get to see Jean ! Hahaha, but only for half day . And poor me, eat Cup noodles for lunch ! But it's okay, cause I leave work at 2pm :x

Well, meet Simin & acc her to eat . Im quite full actually ~ And we headed to ITE college East, ohmygod ah ! Im not trying to boost or what, it's really nice and it look like Poly school ! Hahaha :x Maybe Im like a idiot, but I just think that it's not bad uhs ? Saw Adrian ! Ohmygod, super shock . Chat awhile, and help Eve ask about her Beauty course, sound interesting uhs ? 1yr3month only, zZz ! Anyway, walk around the school like idiot, cause 1st time uhs . And didnt dare to walk far, scare we get lost ! Hahah ~

Anyway, took the booklet and left thr ~ Bus back to Tampines Inter, then bus to East View thr . Meet GuanZhiJie, hahaha ! Well, he and Simin really can talk back to each other, zZz ~ It's none of my business, leaving the two of them to quarrel :x Hahah . Headed home around 5 plus I think ? Hahah, daddy paint my room, hohohos ! Look like a new room uhs :x But clothes here and thr ! Gonna pack on Sat ~

And Went to sleep, super tired . Till 8 plus, bath and eat dinner ! KFC, not so bad ! Unlike Bibi, Pizza Hut, action sia :x Hahah . Chatted with Eugene & his friend Kent . Seriously, they cheered me up ! Hahaha ~ They say they are guys, blablabla ! And some pictures, hahaha ! Byeeeeeeeeeee, tmr working :(

Kent said he tried his best to draw alrdy, hahaha ~

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Thanks Baby (:

Went to work as usual today, totally moodless, I swear .. With those kinda moody look, walk in the office . And one by one, they started to ask about my result . Well, told them uhs . And they encourage me, this is when I see differents . Anyway, work was still alright today . But im still kinda tired, cause I cried to sleep ytd night . And nvm, morning my eyes was super swollen please ! Today, lunch alone . I swear, I'll rmb today forever ~ It's really the first time, me sitting alone at the coffee shop, eating ! Ohmygod, I seriously look like a idiot I swear ~ This gonna be the first and last pleasee . But think awhile, so what uhs ? The sun still shines uhs ! The rain still pour, zZz ! And back to work, till 7 plus, SCB released ! Headed to Century Sqaure ~ Meet Bibi & Federick for dinner ! Well, althought my mood still kinda down, they kinda cheered me up ! Esp Bibi, I thought he was joking about eating Sushi ! But he's not :DDD Walk home after that, zZzZz ! Kinda tired, I swearr ~ Tmr half day work for me, cause actually going ITE, changed my mind then . Heading to shopping ! Byeeeeeeeeeeee ~

Monday, January 12, 2009

Goodbye East View :*(

From the first time I enter EVSS when Im sec one, Im lost . Just like a little girl, walking to somewher she didnt enter before . Turning left and right, everyone is a stranger to me . Till I met this group of girls, turn out to be my cliques, accompanying me through these years . Althought we had quarrel, but it makes our friendship much stronger . We starts to understand things, and we learnt new things from each others . Nlvl exams was alrdy tough enough . But, we managed to be promoted to Sec5 . We haf fun, in class 501 ! Everyone was so united like a big big family ~ Till 2008, it's the last lap we gonna run together . We studied hard, of cause play hard as well . And the major exams, Olvl drove us really mad . Today, 12January . The day we got our result, kept us waiting for months, making everybody unable to sleep at night . Heart beating super fast, for just that slip of paper . Calling upon yr name, walk infront to collect yr result, that paper of grades . Today, I got my olvl result . Yes, I got 37 for L1B4 . Laugh and jeer for all you want, I feel so sucks too . What am I doing, what kinda shitty result I had . Im just wasting parents money, and my own youth/time . I shd have went up to ITE last yr, idiot ! Im studying like hell, everyday . I tried my best to study everyday, dont know ask, and this is the kinda result I got, stupid me . No poly willing to accept me, cause my result totally sucks to hell . Even Bibi scored better then me, Im so dumb ! My brain was totally went blank when I got the paper, totally lost . Didnt know where else can I go, and I only know how to cry at that moment . Yea, this may be part and parcel of life . But, it's too sudden . Thinking back, I was still deciding on which Poly course should I enter, dreaming about which school should I enter . Come on, it's just a dream idiot . I even dreamt of gettin L1R4 16, look how silly I am ! Im sorry to say, Im not okay at all ~ Dont ask about my result if you gonna laugh at me, cause Im tearing and bleeding.... Fucker ! Yes, Im leaving this school name East View Secondary . Althought sistership no longer thr, it's okay . As long as I remembered those memories, that's enough . You guys gonna take care, alright ? Sorry Dear, please understand me . And promise to stay by me, alright ? :*(


OHMYGOD ! Im awake at 10am :x I couldnt get to sleep ytd night, 4am then sleep ! Hurhur ~~ Now off to prepare, hurhur ! Im still super scare :(

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Long Post :x

. Working, zZz !
. Lunch with Doris & Lucy ~
. Watermelon Juice, doris treat !
. Back to work ~
. Check Cheques, again !
. Headed home early, haha ~
. Then went to Xy chalet :D
. Chat with Auggy & Duck !
. Headed home around 3am ~
. Cabbed home with Bibi & Min ~
. Next day work :(

. Headed work, tired !
. Then work work work .
. Lunch with Jean & Couin ~
. Kinda weird, hahah :x
. Ate NasiLemak ! Hahah ~
. Back to work, tired ~
. After work headed to chalet !
. Meet Bibi then go (:
. Chat together with the rest ~
. Cabbed home with Juan&Dino !
. 3am then sleep, zZz...

. Work, super tired please !
. Headache, zZz !
. Blablablablablabla ~
. 7plus, headed home !
. Almost sick, zZz..
. Sleep early, much better !

. Wake up around 12 plus ~
. Ate porriage, zZz !
. Around 4 plus headed out ~
. Went to Tampines, PasaMalam !
. Bought NewYear Clothings ~
. Went to Simei then !
. Meet Juan, walk around ~
. Dinner @ 823 !
. Attitude aunty, zZz !
. Around 11plus headed home .
. Couldnt get to sleep ~
. Look at Poly Course !
. Written down, then sleep .

. Bedok 216 for Breakfast !
. Ate Pork Minced Noodles (:
. Walk around, then leave thr .
. Headed to Bedok Temple !
. Pray hard for tmr result :(
. Now at home !
. Piano lesson, haha !
. XGBFF & JK currently at my house !
. Tmr result, diediedie ~
. Dont call and ask me :x

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I realise .

. Work at 9am :(
. Today 2 big bags !
. I do watermark today !
. zZz, super tired pls ~
. Lunch with Jean, caifan !
. Super nice, we took only 15min -.-
. Walk back to office, slack & chat .
. Back to office, 10 more mins ~
. Hack it and back to work !
. Dozing off I swear, zZz ..
. Handphone no battery !
. Super bored, and moodless ~
. Went home around 7.30pm, haha !
. SCB went home early today ~
. Bus home alone, 291 !
. Then I realise smthg .
. Family are really impt !
. And I swear one couple,
. at the age of 50 plus ?
. Still very loving pleasee ~
. Seriously, I miss them :(
. Wallpaper on my phone now,
. not gonna mention !
. But I how I wish uhs,
. things will change for better .
. Tmr chalet, hahahaha ~

Maybe your're right ?

Monday, January 5, 2009

Tired :*(

. Work at 9am, zZz !
. Saw XGBFF, heading to school :DD
. 4bags of work, double then normal !
. Till 11pm then back to key amount .
. Lunch at 11.30pm with Jean ~
. Bought Tori, FourLeave !
. Super full, but she still hungry -.- !
. Continue keying, zZz ~
. Keyed all Account today !
. Blablabla, chat and craps ~
. One-day Crew, Jessica .
. Anyway, ate bread, continue keying .
. Till SCB finished Account,
. help OCBC, blablabla !
. Work till 10.30pm I think ?
. Leave office with Jean .
. Bibi called me, guess what ?
. He appear infront of me !
. I got Pocky & Lolipop from him :D
. Bus home with Bibi, hahah ~
. Now back home, hehe !
. Tmr work, again, zZzZzZz...
. Wed & Thurs Chalet :DDD
. Doris allow me to early release !

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Window Shopping ~

. Wake up around 11plus !
. Prepared myself, meet min :D
. MRT to CityHall, Penisular !
. Walk around, nthg to see :x
. Headed to Bugis then !
. Eat Mcdonald, super nice !
. Cause super hungry :x
. Anyway, head to Bugis Junction !
. No where to go, back to Tamp :x
. Went to Pasamalam, bought food !
. Then headed home, bus 291 ~
. Chatting with Jiahan, haha :x
. Lavender = Calender !?
. Laugh like hell with Jiahan !
. Anyway, home alone after that :(
. Which is now ! Hurhur ~
. Bibi wanna bring me to G7 !
. Somedays ? zZz ...
. Tmr work, super sian !

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Im So Tired :(

. Wake up around 11 pm, zZz !
. Ate magee mee, didi cook for me :D
. Rest awhile, watch tv !
. Waited for mommy to be back ~
. Ate Pancake, then sleep :x
. Wake up around 6 plus ?
. Prepared myself, went downstair !
. Meet XGBFF & Family (:
. Chat, and crap around !
. Watch the so-called 'Concert' !
. Quite fun & happy actually :DD
. Dinner @ Coffee shop !
. Back home, watch tv ~
. Stomach ache, :(
. Miss Bibi !
. Tmr shopping with Min !

Friday, January 2, 2009

The 50th Post !

. Almost late for work today !
. Mood aint that good :(
. Helped OCBC with typing amount .
. Lunch @ 12.30pm :DD
. Meet min & lunch @ TM ~
. Back to work, tired zZz !
. Abit quiet during work today :x
. Around 9.30pm leave office !
. Meet Bibi, FINALLY PLS :DD
. Walk from office till my house ~
. GOODBYE TO Bibi :(
. Bath and use computer :D
. Watching 不良笑花 now !
. Tmr house cleaning again -.-
. Night watch Daddy's concert !

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year :DDD

. Meet min for breakfast !
. Wore black for work :D
. Everyone in work does so !
. Chiong work till 1.30pm ~
. Without breal at all :(
. Ate together with Jean & Xuemei !
. Buffet provided by company :)
. Finish work at 4pm :DDDD
. Headed home and rest ~
. Flu aint getting better !
. And woman problems, zZz !
. Back home rest and bath ~
. Watch 不良笑花 again :D
. Headed to Damien house :x
. Kena pangseh :(
. Leave his hse, headed to 201 !
. Meet XGBFF & family :)
. Walk PasaMalam back to her hse .
. Ate Tealeave Egg :D
. Watch 霹雳 MIT @ XGBFF hse :D
. Ordered Canadian Pizza !
. Countdown for 2009 :DD
. Msg everyone, of cause Bibi too :D
. Continue watching 霹雳 MIT !
. Till 2am then lights-off :D
. Chat with XGBFFF till 4am :x
. And stayed overnight at her house !
. Wake up around 11pm :x
. Bath and went down for breakfast .
. Or rather Lunch I think !
. Headed home after that :DD
. Now home watching 不良笑花 !
. Super nice I swear :D
. Later going 6th Aunt hse ~
. Steamboat & Happy New Year :D
. WELCOME 2009 !