Monday, January 5, 2009

Tired :*(

. Work at 9am, zZz !
. Saw XGBFF, heading to school :DD
. 4bags of work, double then normal !
. Till 11pm then back to key amount .
. Lunch at 11.30pm with Jean ~
. Bought Tori, FourLeave !
. Super full, but she still hungry -.- !
. Continue keying, zZz ~
. Keyed all Account today !
. Blablabla, chat and craps ~
. One-day Crew, Jessica .
. Anyway, ate bread, continue keying .
. Till SCB finished Account,
. help OCBC, blablabla !
. Work till 10.30pm I think ?
. Leave office with Jean .
. Bibi called me, guess what ?
. He appear infront of me !
. I got Pocky & Lolipop from him :D
. Bus home with Bibi, hahah ~
. Now back home, hehe !
. Tmr work, again, zZzZzZz...
. Wed & Thurs Chalet :DDD
. Doris allow me to early release !

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