Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Thanks Baby (:

Went to work as usual today, totally moodless, I swear .. With those kinda moody look, walk in the office . And one by one, they started to ask about my result . Well, told them uhs . And they encourage me, this is when I see differents . Anyway, work was still alright today . But im still kinda tired, cause I cried to sleep ytd night . And nvm, morning my eyes was super swollen please ! Today, lunch alone . I swear, I'll rmb today forever ~ It's really the first time, me sitting alone at the coffee shop, eating ! Ohmygod, I seriously look like a idiot I swear ~ This gonna be the first and last pleasee . But think awhile, so what uhs ? The sun still shines uhs ! The rain still pour, zZz ! And back to work, till 7 plus, SCB released ! Headed to Century Sqaure ~ Meet Bibi & Federick for dinner ! Well, althought my mood still kinda down, they kinda cheered me up ! Esp Bibi, I thought he was joking about eating Sushi ! But he's not :DDD Walk home after that, zZzZz ! Kinda tired, I swearr ~ Tmr half day work for me, cause actually going ITE, changed my mind then . Heading to shopping ! Byeeeeeeeeeeee ~

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