Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Alright, short post haoma ? Cause tmr 7.30am must wake up, zzz ! Had to prepare lunch tmr (: It's my turn tmr ! Today's lunch was Fried Rice by simin, nice uhs ~ Blablabla ! As usual, working was getting more and more interesting each day ? The 4 of us keep gang up and gossip about pauline, zZz ! Bloody bastard us, but we just cnt stop uhs :x Hahaha ! And we couldnt control when Doris scold her, infront of us somemore ! Hurhur ~ Doris say she will let me learn sorting someday, finally ahs ! Hahah ~ Pasa Malam ended yesterday, damn it ! Dress I bought ytd dont look nice on me, intended to change today . But it's over, wasted $10 ~~

Ohya, my pay day is 11dec ! HAHAHA ~ One more week pleaseee ! But Im jus getting the pay from 17nov to 30nov :( Hope it's enough for me to buy phone & malaysia trip expenses ! Hohohohos ~~ 21dec going malaysia, one day trip ! Hohoho, gonna shop till mad I swear ! And christmas reaching, best time ~ Hmmm, seems lik I gotta buy many present this year ? Too many gift exchange uhs ! SCB having gift exchange, dont knw what to buy actually, zZz !

Exchanging gift per normal with all cousin, this time roung gonna buy for younger cousin, menghui ! Hahaha, simple laaa ~~ And exchanging gift with many people ! Xingan, Simin, Auggy, Yiqin, Peijuan, hahaha ~ Im gonna go broke ! Lalalalala ~ I want star from the sky ! And a piano teacher to teach me this idiot to play piano ~ Most importantly, teach me how to read music score sheet ! Cause I dont know how to read :( Hurhur ! Anyway, sat gonna have a wedding dinner ~ Dont knw who's ! Mommy ask me go, I go lorrs ~ Hahaha ! And sunday Ikea ~ Gonna buy cushion and bring it to office ! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, tmr working again :DDD !

Maybe, I should think carefully ?

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