Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Hellos December ! Hahah, didnt get to post on the 1st of december, cause OT till 10.30pm :( Super tiired pleaseeee ~ And yesterday SCB was super slow, hurhur ! DBS was so bad ! They finish and they went home, thats all, zZz... Blooody ! Anyway, headed toRC after work, meet auggy and the rest ~ Home around 11 plus ? Hahah, super tired please ! Went home, bath and lights off ~~

Today was kinda alright ? I had fun during work, hahaha ! Cause I jokes with the rest ~ Hahah, together with Jean, Lina & Xuemin ! Hahah, super crazy ~ Disturbing Pauline, zZz ! And we laugh lik mad when Doris scolded her, :x ! Hurhur, but still have to work uhs ! Help DBS, took one big stack, share share among the 4 of us ~ And very fast finish ~~ Around 8 plus end work alrdy ! Hohohos ~

Went shopping at PasaMalam, zZz ! Cause ther's no clothes for me to wear tmr ~~ Bought a dress, hurhur :x Super funny, cause we walk here and there, back and for -.- ! Anyway, bus to RC ~ For dinner, today Auggy attachment till 9pm ! And he cnt meet us cause he got something on ! Nehminds then ~ Walk home with min, hurhur ! And now Im back home ~ Hohohos, good news ! Next monday will be an off day for me, hahah ! Cause it's a public holiday, hahaha ! Means I can sleep late on sunday night ~ And walk up late on monday, great right ~~ Hahaha !! Byeeee, off to sleep, tmr work :(

Im trying to be okay, alright ?
Dont come near me, anymore .

1 comment:

  1. Seem like you enjoy your work . that is great ! Remember to send me report everyday ! dont forget oh ! I shall message you tomorrow about what we saying this afternoon ! so ya, hopefully see you soon yea ? :)
