Sunday, November 30, 2008


Back to post, with a sucky mood ! Im feeling super sucks now ~ Dont ask me why, cause it's the same old reason again . Friendship, relationship, nonsense ! All nonsense, zZz ! Blablabla ~ You can hack care about me, cause Im just venting my anger here ~ Im not angry actually, but i just dont understand all these ! People, ignore me pleasee ~ Im talking rubbish here, and please dont ask me if Im okay or not . I hereby say, Im not okay at all !

Stoning at home all day, and Im seriously thinking what the hell should I do to make things right . Anybody teach me ? How I wish I could lost all my memories, and change to become another person . Can somebody hit me hard on my head ? Blablabla ! Im seriously mad pleaseeeeeee ! Doing many things these few days, to keep me occupied ~ Work, sleep, dye hair, listen song, watch tv, sms ! And I think 29 isnt that important to me anymore yea ? Cause the rain still pour, the sun still shines, and nothing special, anymore . I almost forget that ytd is 29 actually, zZz !

Tmr gonna work, OT should be quite late ? Cause it's a monday, and it's month end alrdy ! Soon it will reach December, and christmas ~~ Merry christmas, I dont wan present anymore ! Cause I wont be happy also, so it makes no differents uhs ? Blabla ! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee ~ Im not hungry, cause I didnt eat anything today !


Friday, November 28, 2008


坐在这角落 心里很多话想说 我和你的错
就是舍不得放手 伤害你的我 早就应该让你自由
知道我以后 需要一直往前走 也许是越在乎
越会彼此的伤害 这样的爱情 又算是什么

爱不在 应该让自己从回忆中离开
爱不在 我们都已不存在彼此未来
有时候 对爱有太深太多倚赖
好像你失去在这世界 还能够 独单的自由

是曾经有的梦 现在只剩一场空 心里好多疑问
你忘了你的承诺 伤了自已也没有用 眼泪无言的流下来
迟早还是要面对 这段感情的伤痛 是因为越在乎
给彼此伤害更多 有了距离以后 看不透的你和我

爱不在 应该让自己从回忆中离开
爱不在 我们都已不存在彼此未来
有时候 对你还是会有关怀
可是心里已经太明白 不是爱 不是爱

爱不在 应该让自己从回忆中离开
爱不在 我们都已不存在彼此未来
有时候 不管对爱有多少的倚赖
就算再不愿意再伤心 我明白

我们只能放手 爱不在

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I MISS 501 !

Hellos ! I seriously miss 501 badly now :(

Byeeeeeeeeee ! On MC today, off to grandma hse :D

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Hellos ! Im back to post a short short one, cause Im sick :(
Had been having headache since early in the morning !
Super sick, and I feel like sleeping ~ Is it because not enough sleep ?
Im having pain in everywher, gastric & bad headache ~

Lunch was baked rice today, cool man ! Take-away from foodcourt .
Kinda cool pleaseee ! And watermelon juice, super super nice lunch ~
Blablabla, super super xinku during work, cause Im having headache !

7plus ended work, and went to Pasa malam ! Cheese hotdog & Chickenwing ~
Both me & simin seems so pathetic pleaseee ~ Sitting at MRT outside :x
Headed back home then, super tired I swear ! Tmr see doctor, maybe ?
Then tmr shall be a off day for me ! Depends on my headache tmr ba ~
Thks auggy & yiqin for keeping me awake during work, by msging me !
Byeeeeeeeeee, haven dinner yet ! Gastric acts up again, vey pain :(

XGBFF: Alright ! Thanks XGBFF, love ~~
peijuan: Relinked :DD !
SF: I miss you too slut !
Limhwee.Lex: I suppose ? Plan outing leys ~~
Audrey: I wan spend also dont have :( Sad right !
Suyi, ♥: Welcome :D ! Hahh ~

Monday, November 24, 2008


Im dead bead !
Working from 9am till 10pm :(
Off to sleep, byeeeeee .

Im letting go, everything .
It's very tired to hold on .

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Lately I've been thinking about what I can do
I've been stressing to fall back in love with you
I'm so sorry that I couldn't follow through
But I can't go on this way. I've got to stop it babe
You've been wonderful in all that you can be
But it hurts when you say that you understand me
So believe me. I, I am sorry, I, I am sorry, I, I

I wanted you to be there when I fall
I wanted you to see me through it all
I wanted you to be the one I loved
I wanted you, I wanted you
I wanted you to hold me in my sleep
I wanted you to show me what I need
I wanted you to know just how down deep
I wanted you, I wanted you

I've been pushing hard to open up the door
Trying to take us back to where we were before
But I'm done. I just can't do this anymore
'Cause we can't be mended, so let's stop pretending now
We've been walking around in circles for some time
And I think we should head for the finish line
So believe me. I, I am sorry, I, I am sorry, I, I

I wanted you to be there when I fall
I wanted you to see me through it all
I wanted you to be the one I loved
I wanted you, I wanted you
I wanted you to hold me in my sleep
I wanted you to show me what I need
I wanted you to know just how down deep
I wanted you, I wanted you

I, I... I'm so sorry baby
But I, I... I gotta pack up and leave
But I, I'll always remember how we came close
... to being how I wanted to be
I wanted you baby
I wanted you

I wanted you to be there when I fall
I wanted you to see me through it all
I wanted you to be the one I loved
I wanted you, I wanted you
I wanted you to hold me in my sleep
I wanted you to show me what I need
I wanted you to know just how down deep
I wanted you, I wanted you


Im back posting again !

Friday night I did went out ! HAHAHA ~ Last min went out for supper again :DD ! RC was empty, so headed to coffee shop instead ~ Woahh, quite alot of peopl uhs ! Guess what, dion was thr too ! Suprise :x Hahah, anyway mood was kinda weid ? Cause very quiet ~ Till xy & yazi came back from geylang . Both of them seems so drunk uhs ? Hahaha, esp yazi ! He go scold the coffee shop uncle, poor uncle :( Hahaha, was chatting with xy, then awhile she went home ! I SAW CINDY THIA :DDD ! Hahah, I miss her lik hell pleaseeee ! Exchange number with her, cause we totally lost contact alrdy :( Well, was slacking at the pavilion under yazi house ! He's drunk pleasee ~

Sam send him home & we are getting bored ! My idea, sneak in the school :x Hahaha ~ Well, so we did sneak in . Min, heihei, sam & me ! Hahah, climb the fence in, ohmygod ! Jump down the fence, and I landed on floor with my butt >.< ! Hahah, walk in the school, ohmygod ! East View eh :x ! Hahaha, went to general office outside and they were smoking thr . Super cool pleaseee ! Went in to Gongshan too ! Blabla, was getting bored so went out ~ Climb fence again :x This time round a higher one ! But Im okay ! For min, haha . not okay at all ! Not gonna mention, but back to pavilion left alvin & auggy ! Went home around 4am ? Haha ! Sleep then :x

Hahaha, sat I finally get to sleep till late ~~ Wake up around 1pm, hahaha ~ Waited for mommy to be back together with my lunch, then headed to White sand with Min ~ Blablabla ! Pasa malam, haha ~ Cheap cheap things all thr ! Too bad I didnt bring much money :( Anyway, headed to popular and bought things we need . Then went to Pasa malam, Min bought a dress . Quite nice (: And guess what we saw, hello kitty pyjamas ! Sexy uhs ? Hor simin hor >.< !

Anyway ! Headed back to Tampines, and lucky we got shelter all the way to TM :D Went to pizzahut and fetch her sister . Popular again =.= Bought alot of paper, haha ! Gonna punch hold like mad I swear ~~ No where to go, headed home then ! Went up the lift with daddy, haha ! Mommy cook chicken rice, rice only ~ Plus other side dishes ! Hahah, I love home cook food pleaseeeeeeee ~ And and and, Im very bored at home ! Was doing my diary whole day ~ Very very bored, thought of sleeping . But if I sleep, sure till morning ! And I went supper with Min they all ~

1am then went out, cause mommy 1 plus then sleep . Sorry Dion ! He say he 1 plus heading home, I 1 plus then go :x Unable to see you thr ! Hahaha ~ Anyway, meet xy & vin at somewher, I dont knw whr >.< ! Blablabla ~ Headed back to School opposite de pavalion . Bought mashed potato for supper, haha ! Crapping & laughing away, cause I love to disturb yazi ! Hahaha, he's super funny ~~ But 2 plus he go home le ! Anyway, started to write diary :x Auggy trying to peep ! Haha, it's okay ~ Cause nothing much :x Blablabla ! Saw Junyu & his stead ~

4am, auggy cab us home ! Thanks ~ Super tiiredd I swear ! Today wake up around 11plus ~ Suppose to go out with Zhijie & co de ! But mommy dont let me go out today, tmr working ! Sorry zhijie, I know you sure very angry . Cause it's not the first time I lik this . Im sorry, I dont mean it . Blabla ! Tmr monday, working day again :( ! Hurhur ~~ And tmr OT sure will be very very late ! Cause alot people on MCs >.< ! Gonna prepare own lunch & dinner ~ Cause lunch only 30mins tmr :( And OT no dinner :x So gonna bring own food to eat ! Hope mommy can wake up tmr can prepare fried rice for me :DDD ~ Hahah, off to do diary ! Byeeeeeeeeee !

Nicholas: Hahah, but you still knw my link ah ! Tag me with yr link too :D
XGBFF: IMY TOO ! Meet up soon pleaseeeeeeee ~
Audrey: You ma, I different leys ! I so poor :(
geovanni: Hahaha, weekdays only uhs !

Friday, November 21, 2008


Hellos ! Im back posting alrdy :DDD Finally, it's friday and I dont have to get up at 8am tmr morning ! Hahahah, super happy ~~ Today was really really a good day ! I begin to like this job more and more ! A big big sorry to every readers in my blog ~ Leave you guys dissapointed with no post updated, sorry alright ! Cause Im way too tired to post my blog ! Hahah, and finally today Im free :DD

Yupyup, lunch gonna be alone everyday :( Quite pathetic actually ! But it's okay, I will takeaway food back to the office to eat ! At least Im not alone siting at the foodcourt eating, no way man ! Im not gonna do that, never ever please ~ It's so embrassing laaa ! Hurhur, think I spelled wrongly :x Hahah ! Anyway, ytd I eat KFC for lunch, super full pleasee ! Cause had been eating bread whole day for monday & tuesday, quite pathetic I swear ~ Hahah, and it's kinda sick ! Hahaha, today ate the japanese rice with chicken :DD Nice ! Hahah, together with Simin . She sneak out from office and come eat with me at the lockers there, seems pathetic uhs !

Attire today is Jeans and tees ! Hahaha, best man ~ I finally can anyhow choose my tees and wear to work like Im going out for shopping ! Hahaha, and today is really a good day ! I don knw why, maybe it's friday ? Hahaha ~ Well, in BCS iformation blablabla, ther's 3 bank, or rather 3 groups . DBS, OCBC & SCB . Im in the SCB, and simin is in the OCBC ! Hurhur, DBS sucks alright ~~ Let me say, everyday OCBC & SCB finished their work around 6plus, but yet we cant go home yet . All thanks to DBS ! They are taking their own sweet time and they wont appreciate at all ! People are sacrificing their working time to help them out, and those people in DBS are simply taking their own sweet time laa ! Buey pai seh uhs ~~ Retrenched so what :x Hahah ! That's all ! And I get to chat with those people in my group today ~~

Finally, after being mute for 4 day ! Today i finally laugh and joke with them ~ Hahah, that's the reason why Im loving this job more ~ Cause I get to chat, so I wont sleep ! Hahah, they keep call me meimei, mean sister in chinese . Quite funny, but I still answer them :x They knw my name actually -.- Hahah ! They keep gossip about people pleasee ! Hahah, think 1 day I'll become like them too ! Hahaha ~ Today ate LongJohn for dinner, haha ! Price go up alrdy ! And 20cents for a packet of tartar sauce ~ Ohmygod ~ I think I can go NTUC buy a whole bottle and bring it to Long John next ! Hahaha, then walk home, very hardworking hors :x Hahah, siian ma !

And now Im back home doing nothing ! Suppose to meet Simin & Auggy for supper de, but was cancelled ! Hurhur, gonna call mommy to take away some snacks for me ! Think Im growing fat soon soon soon ! Cause while working, they were saying that some of the staff wasnt so big size when they jus came in . Hahah, yup Im scare :x But I'll control alright :DDD No more tea snacks for me in office okays ! Monday gonna work OT, sure will be super late . Cause we have 2 MCs on monday, hurhur ! Hope monday, I wont blue :x Hahaha ! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ~ Blog done, diary turns >.<


Geovanni: Hahaha, sorry ah ! Never tell you I change number :x Come find me must text me ! And try to find me around lunch time ma !

Nicholas: Huhs ? Tell you what ? Hahaha, text me :D

Audrey: Hahah, wanna relax no money leys ! Mus work 1st ah :D You no work ?

Veronica: Haha, Im fine :D You ? Busy working these few days ! Text me :D

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


wo hui lai le :DDD !
Work was simply tiired tiired tiired ~~ Have lunch alone for mon & tue :( But today had lunch with simin, haha ! Finally, anyway super tiiredd & boredd ~ Cause keep on doing the same thing again and again ! Numbers all in my head, and some people are so stupid pleasee ~~ Place a cheque with $2 -.- Wthhells, waste our energy man ! Blablabla, but I learn something :DDD Althought I dont have any friends yet, but they are super nice (: We did talk, but not to the extent to chat ~ Cause all adults . Hahah, yang & yiqin tell me Im alrdy young adult :x But I look more lik a primary school girl !

Im off to sleep le ! Tmr 9.30am :(

Monday, November 17, 2008


Im too tiired to post today !
Job was alright alright :DD
But lunch alone, Subway !
Tmr 9.30am, work alone :(
Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee ~

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Hellos ! Im back, sorry for not posting alright ~~ Been busy for these few days ! Well, I catch this movie ytd night ! Ohmygod ah, it's really really nice I swear ~ How I wish I could find my Troy too >.< ! Laughs* I wanna watch HSM 1 & 2 too :DD ! Troy and Gabriella is really really loving pleaseeee, enviouss ! Hah :x

Blablabla ! Tmr Im starting work alrdy, ohmygod ~ Seriously, Im afraid of doing wrong things :x And I scare I too slow, blablabla ! Also scare people will scold me :x Hahah ! Afraid of everything ~~ Ohmygod ahh, Im so naggy ! Hor everybody ~ Anything ! I dont knw what to post on blog ~ Byeeeeeeeeee ! Starting work jiu wont post so often alrdy ~ Sorry !


Nicholas : Har ? What thing ? Laughs*

geovanni : hahah :x Quite difficult eh !

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Auggy: What did I lie :x Laughs*
Audrey: Hahah ! Cancelled le ~ Next week friday !
XGBFF: Will do soon :DDD !
geovanni: Hahah :x Last time ? Kinda same ba ..
evon: Okayokay, meet up soon !



中了诡计开始猜疑, 遍寻不着防卫的魔力, 我竟喝下失忆的毒剂, 永远沉睡在过去
冒险结束画面暗起, 我背对你伫立在风雨, 我们全力守护的爱情, 我已经快要放弃

冒险的爱情, 蒙了神秘, 我无法坚定, 模糊的焦距我看不清,你也失去了踪迹
冒险的爱情, 蒙了神秘我无法安定, 带走了相信放大了猜忌, 要我离开你


脚步很轻很轻很轻你忘了要发出声音, 睡的很静很静很静你忘了说过要一起
天气很晴很晴很晴你忘了今天不下雨, 身体很冰很冰很冰你忘了要张开眼睛

天空忽然决定下雨, 我来不及收拾那些回忆, 伞底下的那个你丢下我去哪里
原来天空没有下雨湿了的是我哭红的眼睛, 滴答滴答滴答滴我好想念你

脚步很轻很轻很轻我忍住悲伤的共鸣 , 睡的很静很静很静转身的拥抱没有你
天气很晴很晴很晴我知道今天不下雨, 双手很冰很冰很冰我已经握不住你


红着眼你轻轻碰我的手, 对不起你喃喃地说,
我的难过不只你又伤了我, 还有你变得这样擅长认错,
叹息沉默加泪水和疲倦, 怎么会爱只剩这一些
是不是时间把人变得傻了点, 明明有过快乐却忘了怀念

如果我可以不再迷恋, 迷恋你在怀中幸福的香味
也许就能够不再有期待, 期待你回来约好的未来

我听着你说爱我, 感觉却如此寂寞, 笑容只维持几秒就变酸了
此刻我只想找一个出口, 逃离这混乱荒谬, 爱不爱改天再说
我想你真的爱我, 但我也真的很痛, 不然不会连亲吻都苦苦的
哪里才会有离开你的出口, 可是我离开以后, 能往哪里走

听着你说好爱我, 觉却不是感动,
一次拥抱以后还有没有, 谁能告诉我哪里有出口
就算真找到出口, 能往哪里走

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Nicholas: Laughs* Sorry to mafan you hurs !
evon: It's okay, Im fine :D:D:D
peijuan: Sorry, I dont have the song at all ..
Audrey: Actually wanna jio you ton at my house de :DD
sf: I know ! He cb de :x
XGBFF: Sure cycle soon :DD
geovanni: Got :x
Limhwee.Lex: dont wan bring me go say ! Humphs :x

Hellos ! Im lazy to post alright :x Anyway, went out with XGBFF today ! Finally :DD And bought clothing for my work after that with mommy ~ Then go dinner with Simin & Auggy ! back home, blablabla ~~ starting work from 17november ! Reaching so soon pleaseee ! No more tonning, and no more late waking up le :( Everyday 8am must wake up ! Hurhur ~ Do continue to tagg pleasee ! And msg me during work, can msg ! Hahah ~~ Hao le hao le, I go make diary le ! I love writing diary pleaseeeeeeee :DD

Monday, November 10, 2008


geovanni: You must Jiayou :DDD ! Earn money, then we go out !
sf: I'll Text you ? Supper soon pleasee !Hahah ~
Limhwee.Lex: Where got far :( Hurhur !
XGBFF: Sure, wednesday tell you everything ! Hahah, gonna make you feel irritating !

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Im back posting todayyy :DDD Shopping today ! Hohohos :x Meet auggy&simin at small mac ! Blabla, bought a watch which doesnt fits me at all -.- Whatever pleaseee ! Anyway, took bus 31 to Parkway parade -.- Ohhmyygodd, Kinda long trip again !? Tiired pleaseeeee ! Falling sleep tooo :x Hurhur ~

Anyway, reached ther and went for lunch 1st ! Ohhmyygod, I feel lik drinking so many things at the same time ! HAHAHA :x I feel like drinking Sugarcane, Watermelon juice & Ice-milo :DD ! Hahah, in the end, I bought Sugarcane :DD ~ Simin bought Watermelon juice ! Hahah, drink abit of here and thr ~~ Blablabla ! Went to shopping after that ~ Bought 1 long sleeves shirt & nothing else ! 5th Aunt happen to come, and she give me $50 -.- Thanks, but I will pay back ! Bus back to Tampines then ~

Then went to Popular for my diary stuff ~ Blablabla ! Pei auggy go converse to buy shoe, blabla ! Saw shili & evon :DD Then headed to school nearby ~ Ohhmygod, see-ing somebody there really spoils my mood ! Whatever then ~~ Bla ! Bougth chickenwing, nice pleaseeeeeeee ! Went to eat, then as usual bought Biscuit :DDD ~ Blablabla ! Bus-ed home with Simin at 8plus ~ Byeeeeeeeee !

Glen: That's why ! Miss you guys so muchh ~ Meet soon alright !
Limhwee.Lex: Wahhhlaooo ! Supper only ah, okay de :DD
Carmen: Okayokay ! Laughs* Playing till daybright ?
geovanni: Hahah, lame laaa you ! Btw, I got job le :D


Rule #1 People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any
question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

Rule #2 Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse.
These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged and continue

this game by sending it to other people.

1. Do you have secret?
- Of cause !

2. Would you fall in love with a boy/girl younger than you?
- Eh, depends alright ?

3. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
- Around 2 years ?

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
- Buy my Samsung g400 ! Then donate :DD

5. If you have a wish, what will you wish for ?
- Happy forever !

6.Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
- being lovedddd :DDD

7. Do you have any lasting Sisterships ?
- Used to have, but not now....

8.If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
- Try to forget him :(

9. Is there anything that can make you happy?
- What is happy?

10.What make you sad?
- Everything :(

11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time?
- Housewife :x

12.What is being regarded as the most important thing in your life?
- Friends....

13.Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
- married but poorr :DD

14.What is your favourite colour?
- Black & White :D

15.What would you do if you feel that someone has lied to you?
- Dissapointed :(

16.Do you believe that there "True Love"?
- Not really ?

17.Honestly, who was the last person to tell you that they love you?

18.If you attached but you feel as if you like someone else, what would you do?
- Think carefully !

19.Who can always cheer you up?
- Everyone !

20. Who is currently the most important people to you?
- XGBFF, Them....

Anyone who wish to do, go ahead :)

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Hellos ! Im back from shopping today :DD Hahah ! Anyway, ytd night went to meet aunt they all . Look kinda like a gathering uhs ? Hahah ! Anyway, celebrated a advance birthday for my aunt ! Happy Birhday :D 8pm at ther, nothing to do -.- Decided to go elsewher ! Carmen went TM will Joel they all, while I went elsewhere :x Haha, ah hai ah me ! Blabla, back to201 around 10 plus I think ? Then waited for mommy to come, ohmyy ! Kinda late alrdy, everyone waiting for them :x Then went to meet Simin, blabla ~ Together with auggy too . Finally, I went to RC ! But I swear, it shall be my last time . Cause Im not welcomed there, hor ? Home around 4am ~

Hahahas, wake up around 12plus :x Called mommy and ask her to bring me go shopping for my jobbb ! Hahah, meet her at Interchange . Both bro went along too, laughs* Went to eat baked rice, again ! But it's nice pleaseeeeee :DD Blablabla ! Bought 2 tops, but no bottom :( Try again tmr ! Hahah ~ Bought 2 tees too :x 1 from Levis, another 1 is from Mango :DD !

Tmr going shopping with Simin, maybe auggy toooo ! Laughs* Well, nothing much to post actually ! Back home around 5plus ? Then went to take a nap, damn tiired uhs ! Hahah, anyway ~~ Daddy will be appearing in a "concert" on next few weeks ! Haha, he's putting in alot of effort uhs ! Jiayou :DDDD

Blablabla ! Today, wherever I go it seems lik very crowded uhs ? Haha, ohhmyys ! Tada, heres the picture I took, cause Im bored ! & Christmas is reaching :DD ! Hahahah, I loveee christmas ! I would prefer to celebrate christmas then my own birthday ! Cause nobody will forget christmas, yea ? Hahaha, byeeeeeeeeeee :D

Carmen: Yupyup ! Planning in progress ~~ Hahah !
geovanni: You are ? You know elano ?
elano: Where ? Hahah :x

Friday, November 7, 2008


Hellos, Im back alrdy :DDD ! Hahahah, nothing to do now -.- Well meet Simin 11pm, but in the end we almost 11.30pm then on bus :x Hahah, anyway . Bought her to the shop that only cost $4.80 for hair cut . Hahaha, I have enough money ! So I cut my hair too ~~ Laughs* Kinda weird ahs ? Anyway ! Bus 65 to DobbyGhuat :DD Falling asleep pleaseeee ! Hurhur ~

Well, reached there and was still kinda early uhs ! Meet 2.30pm, We reach there around 1.30pm ! Hahah, went for lucn first then :DD ChickenRice ! Nice pleaseee (: Well, eat finish le still very early ! Hurhur, then went in early . Know what ? We end at 2.30pm -.- Wthhhhelllss ! Supposely meet de time, become time we end . Laughs*

Bus back to Tampines ! Chatting about many things laaaa ~ Relationship laa, friendship blablabla ~~ And most importantly our attire for work :x A big big question mark on my head ! How the hell should I wear siia !? Hahah, reach Tampines and was playing with bus plate number -.- Hahah ! Alright, went to TM and look for dresses & office wears :DD Roughly have a idea le ! All I need is money now :DDD ! Well, Im oh-so qidai for the day to work :DD 1st, pay ! 2nd, make new friends ? Haha !

Alright ! Off to meeeeeeeet aunt & maybe Carmen too ? Laughs* XGBFF, the survey I'll do it either tonight or tomorrow alright ! I promise :DDD


Goodddddd morningggg :DDD ! Im ohh-soo happy now (: I have a good news for everyone ! Hahah, actually it's only for me :D I got the BCS job alrdy ! Hahaha (: I was sleeping lik a pig at first, then my phone ring . I was thinking, who so early call me disturb me laaaa :x And I pick up the phone, "Hello huixin, Im Fyn . Calling you to tell you that the BCS bank has shortlist you alrdy . Can you come with Simin later ? With a photocopy of your bank book, 1st page . You will be able to start work on the 17th November, Thanks !" Ohhmyygoddd ! I love you fyn :x

Hahahaha, Im so so happy pleaseeeeeeee ! Ther's hope for my phone le ~ Hahaha, and Im left with 10 days to enjoy :( Blablabla ! It's okay deyyy ~~ I dont wanna slack my days off at home mans ! Hahah, Im soso happy ! But I cant find anyone to share :( Anyway ! Im gonna get ready to shop for the attireeeee ! Hahah, and Mommy didnt give me extra money to cut hair :( How how how ! Sighs* I wanna cut hair laaaa ~

Okayokay ! Maybe not today cut hair ? Laughs* Cause Im seriously broke ah ! But it will be vefore I start work :DD New image, new life ! Haha, ohhmyygodd ~ TanSimin is not awake yet mans ! Hahah, gonna pei her go cut hair 1st, then we will bus to Interchange, take bus 65 once again, it's a more than 1hour trip theree ~~ Hurhur ! Off to prepareeeee, byeeeeeeeee (:

elano: Eh, none of the above ! Hahah :x What that auhs ?
Carmen: Soonsoonsoon ! Btw, I start work on th 17 :D
XGBFF: LOVE YOU TOO <3 Meet soon pleaseeeeeee !

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Heys heys heys ! Laughs* Im here to post (: Wake up around 11 plus, wthhelllss -.- Mommy didnt give me money !? Sighs* Gotta rot at home whole day then ! And Im seriously broke -.- left coins only ! Hurhur ~ Anyway, Mommy didnt work actually :x Zhong called me and ask me whether I wan breakfast :DD Of cause ! Pork miced noodles :DD ! Anyway, ate only halr :x Couldnt finish ahhs !

Well, stoned at home for the whole day ahh ! Ohhmyygood :x I wan work pleaseeeeee ! Simin had been shortlisted alrdy ! For the BCS bank :( So I'll be working alone for the One-day OCBC work ! Hurhur, faster confirm me leys :x Laughs* Anyway, tmr gonna pei her to dobbyghaut, once again ! Ohhmyygood, third time Im going thr :x Hope wont have 4th time hurs !

Anyway ! Didnt get to save up any money at all :( Cause I was not even given money for the day ! Mommy cooks dinner tonight ~ And, I did help out alright :DDD ! The veggie taste super nice tonight, knw why ? Cause Im the chef :x Hahahaha ! Anyway, tried to sneak out around 11 plus, but Mommy & Daddy seems so energetic pleaseeee ! And Mommy is still making jelly -.- Ohmyygod ah, is she mad :x It's alrdy midnight laaa !

They went to sleep around 12am :x Hahah, sorry Simin ! She waited for me around 1hour at my house downstair ! Duibuqi :( Anyway, went to 7-eleven for supper ! Hahah, stupid auggy :x He said he will be here, but we call him many times he didnt pick up -.- Confirm he sleeping laaaa ! Missed call him alot alot of times, but still didnt answer :( Auggy bluff us ! Hurhur, was slacking under my blog till almost 3am ba ? My leg look tasty towards the mosquito :x Well, off to sleep now :DDDD ! Byeeeeeeeeeeee :D

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Heys peoples ! Im back posting :DD Hahah ! Today, Im feeling Great ! Clap for me pleaseeeeee :) Im a super super brave & good girl today hurs ! Anyway, had MT paper 1&2, finally pleasee ! Left with just one more paper, Im done with Olvl ! Anyway, home after exams, and prepare myself !

Meet XGBFF, bus to E-hub (: Ate pastamania ! & me, being a good girl today, finished my food :DD ! hahah, Im oh-so hyper today ah ! Happy Happy :DD Anyway, suppose to meet Yang for bowling, but cause of some reason, dont wish to go anymore :DD ! Walk to whitesand, as we have amper time laa ! Haha, then went to usual place, Popular ! As usual, spend alot money thr :( Declared bankrupt laa ! Meet the blogshop owner 6pm, but she was late ! Nehminds, got our hoodies ~ & it's not that ideal ? not what we expect ~ Anyway, we FINALLY collected our hoodies auhs ?

Hahah, then bus to Safra ~ Meet Mommy, Daddy & Bros ! Today is their 22nd Year Anniversary :DDD ! Congrats pleaseeeeeee ! Hohohohs, and we get to eat Sakura :D Great ! Aunt & cousin came along too :DD Plus Berlin too ~ Salmon is so nice ! Hahah, till 8 plus then we finish ~ Pretty full please ! Went to 823 after that.

Hahah, suppose to meet Simin @ 11 plus, but Im not even home yet . Sorry ! Home around 12am ? Too late le ba, and we are too tiired ! Tmr meet :DD Holidays for me, and I gotta save up for my Samsung G400 :DDDD ! It is a MUST for me to buy :) Well, off to sleep now ! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (:

I seriously, miss him badly !

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Hohohos, good morning :DDD No exams today, pretty shiok ahs ! Meet Simin to collect passport today ! Hurhur ~ Finally I can collect my Passport ! Well, MRT to lavender & went in to take queue number ! Ohhmyy, my number is 3020 while it's only 2920 -.- 100 people ! Went to take our lunch while waiting :DDD

Was walking to the opposite of the ICA building, then got 2guys came ahead of us . "Erm, would you like to help us uy a pen? It's for the charity, please help us (: It's only $2 for a pen !" well, both of us thought of buy one pen only actually ! And here's the interesting part ! We gave them $10, & they say : Why not you 2 buy 5pen from us ? I was lik, wthhelllsss =.= Quickly told him we had no money :x Hahah ! Then we bought 1 each, but hors ! The pen suddenly cost us $2.50 -.- They say they no change, then give them $1 tips =.= wthhellss laaa !

Collected my passport, and we are still kinda blur :x Still wondering, why didnt we reject them in the first place ! Hurhur, still thinking back . If auggy is here, this kinda things wont happen laaa ! Blabla, so stupid of us :x Well ! Meet auggy at Tampines, then went to Popular . Hahah, told auggy & he was lik. Reject them la ! ah-hai leys you all :x Hahah, anyway !

Went seperates way after that . I went to Grandmahouse . blablabla ! Ate grandma's food, damn damn nice ! Hahah, till 7 plus, daddy come fetch us home :DDDD ! No supper meeting today, due to some reason ! Sighs* Auggy & Simin, we gotta JIAYOU alright ! No matter is what issue, we mus be strong :DDD Jiayou !

Monday, November 3, 2008


Hellos ! Today Social Studies exams, hahahaha :DD Raining early in the morning, kinda spoil mood ? I wan my day to be shining bright maaaa ! blablabla :x Prepared myself & took bus to school there ~ Meet the rest at RC :D

Ohhmyy, went for exams & it was like kinda sucks yea ? What I studied, totally didnt appear in the exam paper ! I studied Merger&Seperation, SriLanka&NorthernIreland & Venice ! & damn it, It came out Health care, GoodGovernace & Diplomacy ! Wthhells :x Totally shag pleaseeeee ! My exams is only out of 25 :x Cause I leave the whole of Section B BLANK ! Hahaha :x Cause I dont even touch those topics at all ~~

Well ! After exams, meet Auggy @ BBT . Then I went to change clothes, blabla ~ The rain is oh-so heavy pleaseeeeee ! We are going to meet Simin @ her work place :DD !Intended to take bus 21 Opposite the sch bus-stop. But the rain is really heavy ~ So took bus to TPJC, then walk over the overhead-bridge just to take bus 21 -.- Hahah, anyway it is a single deck ! Sucks :x Blabla, sleepy on the bus pleaseee ! almost lie on Auggy's shoulder :x But didnt ahh :DDD !

Finally we reachh Novena, hahaha ! Then had KFC as my breakfast & lunch ~ Super hungry pleaseeee ! Well, finished le was ohh-soo happpyy :DD Listening to Simin's grumbling about her work ! Anyway, it's her last day today alrdy ! It's okay Girl :D ! Some other jobs then (: Then bus back to Tampines, another 1hr15min =.=

Well, went straight home ! Kinda tiiredd actually ~~ But it's like, 3 of us are still entertaining each other ! If not the mood would be weird ahhs ~ Laughs* Meet Simin for supper after that anyway ! Hahaha, till 1am then went home . This time, without Auggy ! Cause he gotta be home early, if not he would be groundedd ~ Hor simin hor, hor auggy hor :x Hahaha, everyday supper will makes me fat pleaseeeeee ! Ohhmyy, shall not eat that often le . But it's kinda impossible uhs :x

Somebody is like oh-so princess ouhs !

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Hellos ! Im back :DD Went to Giant with XGBFF today, haha ! Suppose to collect Hoodies, but she cancelled again -.- Wthhellls ! Anyway, went to Giant instead ! Both XGBFF & me bought sushi, same amount ! And guess what ? Our total amount is $16 :DDD ! Hahaha, kinda horrible actually :x

Well, cab back to Tampines ! Waited for taxi blablabla, those people are kinda insane pleaseee ! They have alrdy called the cab, but when ther's cab available, they wanted to get up the cab ! It's kinda selfish pleaseee ~ Anyway ! Cab to RC, then it started to rain, heng ahhs ! Bought drinks from 7-Eleven ! Then starts to eat sushi, ohhmyygodd ah ~ Couldnt finish :x Haha ! Anyway, started to rot there -.-

Till 4 plus, XGBFF wanted go home . So I pei her to the Bus-stop, together with yazi ! & he made me angry, sighs* Anyway ! Auggy & Simin came, then we go TM :DD ! Auggy bought his Diary, hahaha ! Must write hurs :DD Then went back to RC then . Bought biscuit ! Nice pleseeeeeeee :D Back to RC, left alvin ! Then me & Simin went behind, blablabla ~ Auggy came along .

Till 10 plus, 4 of us walk home ~ Hahah, saw daddy with his classmates ! Blabla ~ Then home, nothing to do pleaseeee ! Tmr exams, so today not gonna meet for supper le ! Hahahah, supper is in trend now :DDD ! Byeeeeeee !

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Hellos November :DD ! Hahah, it's a beginning of everyone holidays, yea ? Today went out with Simin ! Suppose to help her with buying clothes . But in the end, we bought nothings ! MRT to bugis, then back to Tampines ~ Lalalala, nothing better to do laaaa -.-

Anyway, meet Auggy @ CenturySquare ! Then went for baked rice :DD As usual, I cnt finish the food :x Hahah ! Well, then headed back home . Help out with making wanton, anyhow laaa ~ Having steamboat for dinner :D But Im kinda bloated le :x But no choice, still gotta eat some ~

Blablabla, Im seriously growing fat ! Anyway, take a nap after that ! All the way till 11pm ~ Then wake up :x Prepare myself, sneak out of house to meet Simin & Auggy ! Hahah, ohhmyy ~ We are getting worst I swear ! Is lik, if we didnt meet for a day, diee :x Took photos, slack & craps ! Police came :x & Auggy's cigg dwn th drain ! Heng didnt wet ! Hahaha, all the way till 2am then I went home :DDD

It's impossible, alright ?
She loves you more, understand ?