Monday, November 3, 2008


Hellos ! Today Social Studies exams, hahahaha :DD Raining early in the morning, kinda spoil mood ? I wan my day to be shining bright maaaa ! blablabla :x Prepared myself & took bus to school there ~ Meet the rest at RC :D

Ohhmyy, went for exams & it was like kinda sucks yea ? What I studied, totally didnt appear in the exam paper ! I studied Merger&Seperation, SriLanka&NorthernIreland & Venice ! & damn it, It came out Health care, GoodGovernace & Diplomacy ! Wthhells :x Totally shag pleaseeeee ! My exams is only out of 25 :x Cause I leave the whole of Section B BLANK ! Hahaha :x Cause I dont even touch those topics at all ~~

Well ! After exams, meet Auggy @ BBT . Then I went to change clothes, blabla ~ The rain is oh-so heavy pleaseeeeee ! We are going to meet Simin @ her work place :DD !Intended to take bus 21 Opposite the sch bus-stop. But the rain is really heavy ~ So took bus to TPJC, then walk over the overhead-bridge just to take bus 21 -.- Hahah, anyway it is a single deck ! Sucks :x Blabla, sleepy on the bus pleaseee ! almost lie on Auggy's shoulder :x But didnt ahh :DDD !

Finally we reachh Novena, hahaha ! Then had KFC as my breakfast & lunch ~ Super hungry pleaseeee ! Well, finished le was ohh-soo happpyy :DD Listening to Simin's grumbling about her work ! Anyway, it's her last day today alrdy ! It's okay Girl :D ! Some other jobs then (: Then bus back to Tampines, another 1hr15min =.=

Well, went straight home ! Kinda tiiredd actually ~~ But it's like, 3 of us are still entertaining each other ! If not the mood would be weird ahhs ~ Laughs* Meet Simin for supper after that anyway ! Hahaha, till 1am then went home . This time, without Auggy ! Cause he gotta be home early, if not he would be groundedd ~ Hor simin hor, hor auggy hor :x Hahaha, everyday supper will makes me fat pleaseeeeee ! Ohhmyy, shall not eat that often le . But it's kinda impossible uhs :x

Somebody is like oh-so princess ouhs !

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