Friday, August 1, 2008

Back postiing alrdy ! Laughs* Kiinda tiiredd, cause of those med ii ate laaa ~~
Well, today schling was kinda bored pls ! Super tired de mood :x Laughs*
Sleepiing iin almost every lesson ~ But feel much better after dat, Hah !
Kinda left out, cause ytd didnt come to sch. Seems lik ii've miss many thing?

Blablabla ! MT was doing China's history -.- Almost all aslp, but iim not okay !
Then recess, ate EggBread, but th bread was kinda hard :x Maybe too long alrdy ?
Then back to class room ! Ohhmyy, Class 501 has became a East View Casino, Hah ~
Everyone ii playiing cards, even ppl from 502 came too ! Hah ~ But also great !

Physics did pratical again ! Electricity Circuit, super siian ! But also fun (:
Then End sch alrdy ! Hah, today iis not a great day, for me. Dont noe why ~~
Laughs* and nobody noes ! Hmm, create a private blog ! So ii haf 2 blog (:
If you wanna read, tag me to invite you kays ? Loveeeeeeeeeee !

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