Thursday, July 31, 2008

Back postiing ! Sorry for not posting for 2 days, cause iim kiinda sick !
29July went out with Baby ! Cause it's ovr anniiversary, Laughhs*
Actually, iit's aint a good day at all ~ Everything iis lik, all nonsense ~~
Went to 日本春 for lunch ! Baby's first time thr, Laughs* Then went to PS.

Repair my Mp3, and it was lik awhile only =.= walking around to look for protector.
Dont haf ! Only haf th $29 at CREATIVE ! Lik kinda ex, so didnt buy casing lor ~
Then MRT back to Tampiines.. Still walking around inter trying our luck !
But who noes, is lik nobody selling alrdy -.- So bus home lor ~ Laughs* Siian !

Was super tiiredd, maybe cause of sick bah ? Baby watch me slp, then he went home..
Althought it's only the both of us, but our mood kinda going up and went down =.=
Awhile happy, the next moment become unhappy again . Laughs* Stupid uhs xD

30July, schling was kinda boredd ! After recess jiu went home alrdy ~ Cause iim sick !
Kor came to sch and fetch me home ~ Laughs* Bought porriage home, then watch show.
Didnt rest at all :x Cause when iim done with the show, it's time to go out alrdy, Hah ~~
Went to Xingan house, make my Mp3 and did some physics work ! Laugh lik mad again ~
Woo-hooos ! Try to be funny by making jokes with shit & urine -,- Simply mad ii swear !
Then back home, was kinda siick alrdy =.= Sad pls ! Hafing fever iin the middle of night ~

12am, Baby came and peii me (: Althought we had some tiff, but we are fiine alrdy, Hah !
Simply too diizzy for anything else ~ Couldnt hug Baby, cause whole body aches badly :(
And cnt kiss :x Cause my lips are hafing Ulcer =.= Laughs* Sorry Baby, bear with it k?
Till today morning, iim still feeling unwell . So didnt went to sch at all ~ MC laaaa, hah !
Baby didnt went sch also ! Hah, cause he say he too tiiredd alrdy =.= So he didnt go sch..

Early iin the morniing, 9am plus ii woke up ! Prepared myself and went to 3rdAunt shop.
Sorry Baby, ii didnt noe mamii will be so last min :x Sorry to ps you, again. Really sorry !
So cabbed thr and bought breakfast ! Ate fish soup with rice, eat till half jiu CMI liiao :x
11pm, went to see doc, beside Aunt shop only =.= then was stoniing in th shop, hah !
Cause ii couldnt help much, as ii dont noe wat to do :x So was falling aslp cause of med !

3pm, brought Cousin to Sch ! Today iis Qiiaonan's 75th Anniiversary, Laughs* till 11pm !
After dat, was sleepiing at aunt shop :x So went to Grandma house and take a nap !
Pretty great, cause ii can sleep lik nobody business :x And wake up around 7pm bahs ?
Eat dinner then 8pm went to look for korkor ~ He wouldnt be home so early ii think !
So me and zhong cabbed home, and curerntly iim usiing com :x Hah, ii saw niicPAPA ~

Hmmm, siick iis super super iirritatiing pls ! Siighs* Jus hope then tmr will be a gd day !
Laughs* The medicine really makes me soso sleepy ! Wonder tmr how, sleep in class ?
Blabla, off to pack bag for tmr schliing ! And Baby iis still not home yet, tmr still schling ley.
Haiiyohs ~ I loveeeeeeeee Baby ! & Xiingan, Aiai, Mama, JFYF, Baobeii && Aiirennnnnnn !

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