Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Survey ;DD

1)Have you seen a real miracle happening to you before ?
> I studied, yet ii fail. Is dat a miracle ? Luffs*

2)What is th thing that you want most now ?
> A camera pls ! haaaas :x

3)What are th goals you wna achive in your life ?
> Score well for Olvl !
> Happy family (:

4)If you have one more wish to wish for , what would it be ?
> Cheerful forever ;D

5)What are you afraid to lose most now ?
> Boyfriend, Xingan, Aiai, Mama, Airen, JFYF & Baobei

6)Do you believe in ETERNAL love ?
> Maybe? Luffs*

7)If you meeted someone tht you love alot , will you confess to him/her ?
> Like derrr ~~~ But shy :x

8)What would you do with 200 bucks ?
> Half gif parents, another half go play ;DD

9)What is currently in your mind ?
> How long do ii haf to study !? Siighs*

10)What type of people do you hate most ?
> Jiaxinxin, faker :x && liers !

11)Would you cherish every friendship of yours ?
> Like derrrr !

12)Do you believe in GOD ?
> Nononono :x

13)What do you think is th most important thing in your life ?
> My Boyfriend && Sister :DD

14)Do you find a need to find a stead ?
> Nahhs ! ii haf my boy :x

15)What do you wna your friendship to be like ?
> aiir, iinviisiible yet always thr ;D

16)What are th things you would wna think of ?
> why am ii on earth :x

17)What is your favorite hobby ?
> Siingsiingsiing ! Luffs also :x

18)If you`re feeling low one day , who would you go to ?
> Xingan && Aiai ;DDD

19)List down 3 songs uu love to siing !
> tiiantiiande !
> aii laii guo ~~
> save you ;D

20)If you have th permission to destroy something , what/who would it be ?
> Bad ppl ! haaaas ~~

Instructions :
Remove 1 question from above and add in your personal question .
Make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list .
List them out at th end of this post .
Notify them in their tagbox tht they have been tagged .
Whoever does this tag will get a blessing from all (:


Okok ! iim done doiing th survey Xingan ;DD
now off to prepare andd goiing Xingan hse ~
byeeeee ! btw, ii fail my Eng&Chi :( sadsad*

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