Wednesday, May 14, 2008


back from sch, siighs* result iis badbadbad !
lols ~ okok, overall. ii faill ALL subjects :S

Engliish, 47%
Chinese, 49%
Combiined Humaniities, 36%
Maths paper 1, 35%
Sciience MCQ, 42.5%

Niice result yeaa? siighhs* nvm bahhs.
kann zhe ban lohhs :x nth much to say.
cos not iin th mood, luffs* watever.
iim am jus myself, ii dont noe wat else to say.
lalalalalalas ! iim ohhsoo upset now ~~
somebody cheeeerr me up pls, siighhs*
okok, jus haf to say, thiings really changes fast.
really duper fast, ndd uu'll nvr expect.
so ppl, do wat uu wan before iits too late.
c'monn, iits alrdy so long, yet still liddat ?
siighhhs* iim siick physiical, ndd emotiionally too.
lols ! okok, off to slp. ppl, siighhs** :((((

I told someone,
ii regretted goiing up to Sec5.
He told me thiis,

Now you haf come to sec 5 liiaos, then dont tiink abt last tiime.
& siince uu choose to go up sec5, why dont you giive everythiing uu haf for Olvl?
Instead of regrettiing goiing up to sec5. & iif you giif everythiing uu haf for Olvl,
even iif you fail, uu also wont regret that uu nvr study or watever reason.
So iinstead of regretting of wat you haf done for th last yr,
why not you cheriish the tiime now ?
Thks Sheanyang ;DD

Tags repliedd : Gerald : yuppsyupps ;DD of cos ! ii dont wanna miiss a sakae too :x
Huiiyu : DONE ;D luffs* woainis pls !
Elano : luffs* yahhs ! tiingmamadehua ;DD
Madeliine : luffs* uu go viiew source lohhs ~ dont lazy :x
Shangfen : REALLY !? fun mahhs ~ haaas ! thks ahhs <3
Angela : Thks mans ~ luffs* tkcares ;DD

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