Tuesday, February 5, 2008

postiinq a piics of mii weariinq PE attiire last week , haaaas.

mathh test th 1st periiodd , ohhmyygodd lahhr ! hurhur .
out of 15 ii tiink ii scoredd 3 niias :x ii dunoe how ~
lols ! hadd PE today also ~ but walk walk niias .. lols !
cos ii haf a iinjuredd butt :X haaaaas ! paiin lahhr ..
thenn jiiu recess , lols ~ monndayyy bllluuueeeeeeee !
every lesson also tiiredd nahhr ! hadd ss && geo today ~
but geo teacherr was nt here mahhr . so , chiit-chat !
haaaaaas . then jiiu relax relax lohhr , then lunchh .
hurhur ! MT 3 periiod siiahhs ~ went madd uu noe !?
last week hadd MT test , ii scoredd 19 out of 25 ;D
same as madmad && diino ! haaaas ~ qiiao siiahh x)
aniiwaee ! after dat jiiu walk to 201 andd bouqht sushii home !
niice nahhr :x lols ! but , home alone now ~~
gonna haf a nap now , damn tiiredd nahhr ~ lols !
andd , still tiinkiinq whether wed shdd ii go schh ..
cos , madmad nt goiinq , then xy goiinq . hurhur !
mii && charr nt sure leiis . lols ! they 2 ahhr .
@ MT lesson shout shout -.- haaaas ! mii andd charr was lik ,
eerrrrrr , dont quarrel cans !? haaaaas . watever nahhr !
byyyyyyyeeeeesssss ;D

2 more days to CNY`s eve !
3 more days to CNY !
9 more days to ADAM KHOO wkshp !
10 more days to VALENTINE x(

maybe iits FATED ?
ii guess so bahhr ,
but ii don hope so ...

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