Wednesday, February 6, 2008

back postiinq ! siiannsiian ;D
hadd art lesson today , hurhur !
dat dumb mdmTAY ! she`s too muchh mann ~
she verii guofen siia :x say alot our rubbiish .
andd msTASNEEM , nvr expect she`s liiddat ?
haiis , from 502 to 501 so what siia !?
aniiwae , my CA for ART shdd be faiil !
lalalalalas ~ stupiid nahhrs ! haiis .
aniiwae , enqliish lesson watchh show ...
then jiiu recess , lols ! damn siian siia .
cnt iimaqiine recess can be so boriinq ~~
back to liibrary andd watchh th show agaiins .
lols ! then hadd maths , siiannsiiannsiiann ~
ii dont understand at all siia ~ lols !
aniiwae , ss andd geo was alriites ~~~ haas .
doiinq normal thiinqs lohhr , quiite tiiredd !
dont noe whhy nahhr , lik verii shaq andd sad ?
lols ! maybe tiiredd bahhr ? haaaas ~ watever !
lunchh was iinterestinq ? haaas . my nlvl ART !
was diisplayedd @ th canteen area for gallery :X
haaaas ! andd ahCHEOK was performiinq siiohhs ~
lols ~ char & xy`s art was diisplayed too ;D
MT lesson was iinterestiinq , haaaaaaaas !
luff && luff nahhr , lols ! then jiu peii madmad ~
she went to see her F&N teacher , ii stone lohhr .
was standiinq @ th lvl 3 thr andd wonderiinq ~~
wat iif ii jump down ? who cares , haaas ~
rubbiishh nahhr ! lols ~ then bus-edd to iinter .
meet laopo ! hurhur ~ lonqlonq tiime bo meet .
miiss her soso muchh nahhr ! haaas ~~ lols ..
went strolliinq andd shoppiinq ~ iim soso moodless .
tiiredd andd shaq nahhr ! saw ciindy too ;D
then walk aroundd tm && cs .. saw diino =)
andd of cos hiis fren they all , lols !
liik so qiiao ? whether tm or cs , we will meet .
haaaaaas ! lols . then finnally bus-edd home !
damn hungry andd tiiredd nahhr ~ daddy at home zZzZz !
one wordd : boriinnnqqqq ~ cos he will naq :x
aniiwae , mamii jus came back ! lols ~~
iim off to bath andd goiinq to juanjuan hse !
hafiinq steamboat wiif mama && kaiiyehh :x
btw , no. of viiewiinq iin my bloq iis manii .
but whhy iin taqboardd liik deadd lehhr ? lols .

boy , dont love mi animore ?

Taqqs Replied :
ManqTanq : okkayyes ^^
Diino : -.- haiis !

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