Sunday, January 20, 2008

#12 - CIP again !

Helloooos ! Back posting ^^ CIP in the morning, was given a big big tin ! Super big -.- And we only have $2 allowance, sad ! Kinda cute ah, wanted us to donate money & they gave us money ~ Anyway, went to Cindy house after collecting the tin ! Went to wake her up, & chat around . Viewing "somebody" blog too ! Kinda, shock ? Haha, went to had breakfast @ YaKun Toast . Done abit of the CIP, bus back to school ! After that went to 日本村, super full I swear ~ Nthg much I guess ? Only cam-whoring in the toilet ! SHG = Short Hair Gang, isnt it intresting ? Laughs . Anyway, went to White Sand & collect contact lens from SF ! Meet Adrian and bus back to Tamp ! Back to my house, slacking our days away ^^ Well, today aint a good day I guess ? Everyone's having attitude problem ~ Kinda pissed, but well ! Gonna hack & do my stuff ~ Ohya, edit photos too ! Seriously took alot alot photos (:

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