Tuesday, January 22, 2008

#13 - Lesson ♥

Im back again ^^ Ytd stoned at home for almost whole day ! Headed to XY house & chiong Hmwk :x Kinda bored I can say ! Well, meet Laopo @ Sch nearby today . Her lesson starts at 9am, how great ! If only East View would allow student to go school that late ~ Anyway, was dozing off in Vinay's lesson ! But no choice, note has to be taken ~ Had PE lesson, how bored ! XG was alone, & we acc her ^^ Run around the Parade Square & slacking again ~ But well, had early recess ourself ! Caught by teacher, how unlucky we can be ~ Im sweating man, but too bad hair cant be tied up ! Combined Humanities both lesson was seriously boring & sleepy ~ Had lunch break outside school ! Still, gotta go back for MT lesson.. Had banding this time round ? Our teacher wasnt around, so combined with the Band 1 students ~ Well, was going thru pass year paper ! Not bad, I got 60% ~ Laughs, headed back home after that ! This year CNY gonna be bored I guess ? Have not done with my clothing & shopping . Whr should I settled it ? Laughs .

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