Thursday, January 3, 2008

#3 - First day of School ♥

Back Back Back ! Wake up at 6.30am, so sleepy... Laughs, lucky im not late ! Anyway, meet Madeline and went in to school ~ I finally saw Xingan ! Well, headed to hall for some nagging, how boring....Im in 502, I dont want man ! I wish to go to 501 ~ Anyway, asked Mr Loh and he'll give me an answer soon ! Tmr he'll tell me ~ Really wish that I could be in 501, cause Xiuyi & Charmaine was ther ~ Had recess around 11pm ? So late, damn hungry man... Was sitting with Xingan & Cher ! Break for 45mins, how great man ~  Back to class, teacher's nag again... 1.15pm end schools ! Saw Cindy went I walk out ~ Miss her so much man ! And saw Deng Yuan they all too ~ Anyway, waited for May to come & acc Charmaine to Siglap Sec ! Was helping Chelsea to buy books, meet her there . After that headed to her house, was almost sleeping ! Well, suppose to meet Wk, but me & May was kinda lazy ~ Yeaps, so didnt meet him ! Dinner with Mommy, and tmr's school will be boring I guess ? Cause, ther's more talk ! Anyway, I want to go to 501 ~~

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