Wednesday, January 2, 2008

#2 - Happy New Year :D

Hellos ! Im back :D Laughs . Well, im still kinda tired I guess ? Ytd meet Peijuan & Suyi, then ate dinner with parents ~ Meet Louis after that, and bus to Downtown and meet up with the others . Well, bought the spray ! Each of us bought one ~ Went in to the big big room, but then realise couldnt bring the spray in -.- Totally spoil mood please ! So gotta put all the sprays in the lockers ~ Around 8pm headed in the big big room ! Not much people I guess, still early ~ Qute trendy the song inside, and the drinks are so ex ! $2 for a small cup of drinks, but me & Suyi couldnt stand it ~ Yeaps, so we bought the drinks, gonna drink slowly xD Anyway, saw DengYuan & Co. ! Together with Sylvia too ~ Anyway, the countdown was a great one ! All of us seriously had fun ~ Went crazy I swear, but it's really fun ! Back to the locker and took the spray & play ~ Wk came looking for us & played with us ! Well, we were totally so into playing with the spray ~ After that headed to eat Prata ! Well, stayed overnight at Xuyi house . Around 3am back her house, but till 7am then we sleep ! Was chit-chatting about damn lot of things ~ Laughs, was saying bout me being her 伴娘 in future ! And we totally couldnt get to sleep, keep chatting ~ Anyway, later Im going to 日本村 ! Together with Wk, May & Adrian ~ Gonna load songs into my mp3 now ! Byeeeeee ~ Ohya, I got a prank from Zhijie ! And, I really believe him ~ Anyway ! Tmr gonna go school, how boring ~ But, I miss schools ! Byeeeeee :D

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