Sunday, March 3, 2013

Lovelies cousins ❤

Hi people, I'm back posting again ! Went ECP with cousins yesterday ;)
Woke up pretty early, went to buy lunch with Mommy & Korkor.
Headed off to Grandma house to meet up with Didi, eggcited !

The weather is extremely extremely hot I swear, totally unbearable.
But after meeting up with cousin, the sky decided to be nice.....


First time seating this guy's car, I think I should go take a license too.
Probably finish up my BTT before school reopen ? HEHE !
Ok anyway, off we head to East Coast park & it start to rain....


Waited for the rain to be smaller in the car. Extremely spoil mood !
Went to Carls Junior for some snack while waiting for the rain to stop.
This cute number tag was pretty fragile. It split into 2 once pressed !

But according to Didi, it's normal for the number tag to spoil, HAHA.
Anyway, till around evening ? The rain finally stop, YAY ❤

Rent the bike for 2 hours. And look at this cute 2 seater bike !
It's for the convenience of Butter (berlin's dog), cute right ?

Stopped somewhere for resting and the scenery is extremely nice.
Some photos of us ! Okay mainly me, hehehe. ENJOY ;)

A photo of me + photo-bomb 1 + photo-bomb 2. HAHA.

This is the extremely cute 2 seater bike, PINK COLOR SOMEMORE ❤

A photo of Sasa with beautiful scenery and pink bike.

Lastly ! This very beautiful scenery I was talking about ;)
Pretty windy and it's really chilling cycling around ECP !

Returned our bike around 9pm ? Went to clean up and it's really tired.
Headed back to Tampines for dinner, extremely hungry and tired :(

Oh ya, had this pretty nice dessert I call it ? Quite sweet and nice.


Ended our day after dinner ! Pretty nice outing with cousin, LOVE IT.

Back to work today ! And I'm still pretty unwell, zzzzzz.
Ate med last night already, don't understand why no effect :(
But well, I guess I'll just need more rest and drink more water ?

Ok I'm done, bye !

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