Headed out with my dearest baby on the 1st day of 2013 ;)
Went Orchard and walk around ! He got his Dr.Martens like finally ~
So both of us spent like a total of up to $300 ! SO MUCH.....
But well, we finally got what we wanted for so long ;)

And..... Enjoyed my weekend together with cousin at RWS !
First trip to Adventure Cove Waterpark, eggcited ;)
Supposed to meet up with uncle they all too....
But last minute they were delayed by don't know what !
So ya, leaving the five of us to enjoy ourself, hehehe ;)
The waterpark is somewhere like Wild-Wild-Wet (WWW) in Pasir Ris, lots of water rides !
One of the immersive experiences at Adventure Cover Waterpark is the rainbow reef ;)
You'll get to snorkel among 20000 fishes in the pool ! Sounds exciting isn't it ?
Tried to enter the pool, and the instruction is, you're supposed to know how to swim !
Didn't want to join the queue because I don't know how to swim.... But it's really cool...
So we join the queue, enter the pool and tried to snork.... Took a glance and I struggle !
The water is really cold and it's really deep :( So out of we 5, none of us managed to snorkel !
Pretty wasted actually ! It's consider as the main point of the waterpark....
But there's a lot more eggciting rides :) Didn't get to take photos of it !
Took my camera out from the locker and continue walk around the waterpark ;)
Korkor was hungry and he bought this super expensive hotdog, for like $6 !!
In supermarket, you could have bought like 2-3 packet of 10 hotdogs inside....
But well, it's RWS you see... So the pricing it's extremely extremely high !
Anyway, went walking around the waterpark and take photos ;) Hehehe !
Played till around 5pm ? Extremely sun-burned and super tired I must say.....
Went to bath and it's really crowded ! Had an enjoyable day at Adventure Cove ;)
Ohya ! Me, korkor and baby bought the Annual Pass for $88, worth ?
It's a $29 per trip, so as long as we go for like thrice, it's pretty worth to get it !
Meet up with 8th uncle at the Restaurant there and had our late lunch !
It's pretty nice, ate the kids meal and it cost us like $12.80..... But well....
We got some lunch box for free, but it's a shape of some fish I think ?
Finish our food and head to the hotel ! It's the Equarius Hotel, first time there ;)
Here's the photo of the Hotel room corridor, pretty nice isn't it ?
It's $600/$700 per night over there siol, MAD EXPENSIVE...

But uncle they all got it using Casino point... So ya, we enjoyed there ;)
Pretty lots of people over there and it's like having some party, hahaha ~
Lots of food brought by uncles and aunties ! And this this this.......

First time trying this, not so bad ? Pretty sweet and it's nice ;)
Too much people, so we had to find something to do....
So we played Blackjack ! Like total of around 10 people ?
Grandma played too ;) Had a awesome gathering ♥
I know I'm taking way too long for this update ! Please forgive me :(
Been too busy with school, although it's only week 2 now, hehehe !
Ok actually I'm lazy....
Bye ;)
I feel being used... :(
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