Friday, December 14, 2012

Attachment in ITSM ♥

It's finally holiday ! Haven't been blogging during school days....
Been real busy with assignment and test, term module really stress :(
But it's really the most fun term I had in TP, especially in ITSM !
ITSM is some IT service management center, and we're attached there !
Thrice a week and we're required to complete 5 weeks of attachment :)

Being attached there, mixture of mood ! Happy, scared, excited, sad...
Happy because we met awesome people, scared of facing difficult incident...
Excited when going around to solve incident, sad to leave the center :(
But anyway, it was an enjoyable experience over there, pretty fun too !

So here's all the photo I've taken during the attachment :D

It's the end of attachment, and this term ended fast ! Pretty fun :)
Thanks to the splitting of all MNS people, I know of more awesome ppl !
Not forgetting my dearest c299, although we don't meet often, but i do miss !

All presentation and submission are all done ! Which means holiday is here :D
Have some pretty good planning for this holiday, work and work plus.....
I'll be going Genting with Baby again ! This time round, SBB also :D
But the sad thing is only me and baby will be on the same bus :(
But well we'll still meet up at Genting ! Hehe, best of this holiday ♥

Alright that's all ! Will update about my Genting trip when I'm back :D
Cheers, enjoy your december and holiday ! Christmas is coming, hohohoho !

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