Saturday, September 8, 2012

New month, new hair cut :)

ok i know i'm slow....

But anyway ! Had a new hair cut on last Saturday ~
Together with mommy, didi, korkor !
Baby went along with us too ^^

Yes, I went back to bangzzzzzzzz ! Hohohoh :/
And make myself like a geek again, black hair ~

Went out with baby's mom last Sunday ~
Walk around Bugis area, and baby bought clothings !
Baby's mom bought me a heels too, so paiseh :/
Lost my ez-link card while shopping...... *again*

Make a new one immediately the next day, which is Monday...
Another $28 gone for my careless... Damn it, but hope it's the last !
Went school after that for the NetRider training, pretty alright...
Need more practice and reading... SUCH A BURDEN :(

Went for job interview on Tuesday with baby....... sigh :(
Still pretty bad... No job till now, pretty upset !
Please let me know if you have any jobs opportunity available ~
Pretty moodless to blog now actually..... okbye :(

Miss my hair already....

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