Hi all ! It's 16 again :) And here I am updating about my awesome Sunday !
Woke up around 1030 ? Prepared myself and head over to Hougang ♥♥
Yes ! Went to look for baby, and he was still sleeping when I reach !
Waited for him to get himself prepared, head over to Punngol Park nearby ~

Was bored while waiting for him to get prepared xD !
Shared some noodles with him and rushed over ! Scare late....
Ended up being too early ~ Reach there around 1345 ? *tooearly*
Was told to go back around 1445... So went to find a seat nearby !
Finally around 1445, went in the "room" for the bursary ceremony !
I must say, it's pretty budget and the "MP" don't know from where...

Back baby's house ! Started to pack him room, messy....
He really got lots of things to tidy up, pack up, and throw away !
By the time he finished packing his room, he left one box of things ~
Went to wash up and had dinner at his house ! *PRAWNNNN*
And then................. 51 BEANCURD ♥

Was resting awhile before packing his clothes !
Although we merely pack for few hours, it's still tiring !

And finally packing his clothes ! He got so damn lot of clothes ~
But he actually throw away 3 bags of clothes, only 1 box left..
His dad was rushing us to be faster and baby's still playing around !
This Malay costume was borrowed from Izwan, he look so "malay" xD

Finally done with packing up around 10pm ! Baby's dad fetch me home :)
So on the way, he brought us to their new house ! Only 5 lvl done ~
The whole completion should be done around next year end ? *HEHEHE*
Anyway, he drove pass the Punggol "White House" and show us, haha !
So cute sia ! Back home around 11 plus ? Pretty tired and long day...

So cute right ? I know, hehehehehehehe ♥
Ended my awesome Sunday ! And it's Monday again, blackkkkkkkk :(
Back to those days where I need to rush assignment and project !
SADS is due next week, sigh :( Haven did a single shit out of it !
And still rushing out my CMSK script when Wed need to practice ~
Alright ! Done posting ! Need to rush out the script :(
So sucky to be in school :(
Photos are taken with S2, edited using Instagram !
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