Sunday, June 3, 2012

Had been staying back in school till real late this whole week !
Mugging for term test which will come in 2 days time ! *omfgabczxc*
But well, pretty productive with the girls ! Although we keep eating....


Managed to find the pretty awesome place to study in school !
It's the new block that's located near McDonald, South Wing :)
Yup, a place without chair and table, but with plug that's enough ~
Headed there from Wednesday till Friday ! Wed = only the 3 of us :D

I KNOW IT'S VERY MESSY, actually it means we hardworking :/
We totally make ourself like at home, we actually lying on the floor ~
Don't really care whether the floor is dirty or what, WE JUST LIE !
Pretty productive ! Managed to finished up DSAG notes :DDD

So we actually went back there to study on Thursday also :D
This time round, together with Nicholas too ! Pretty productive ~

This guy totally treat here like his house too, school = second home !

So when 3 girls + 1 guy get together, we actually do stupid things :/
Giving ourself a break, started drawing this two cute cartoon :D
Was some how "competing" on whose drawing look nice or rather better !
It's really kind of fun & interesting ! Laugh like we never before <3

Within the whole afternoon, we managed to finished up INWT notes !
Had McDonalds for dinner :D ! Stayed till around 10pm ? Bus 291 home ~

FRIDAY ! Had ALC lesson from 2pm-5pm, then went to South wing #again !
Poor Weeyin had to wait for us from 2pm-5pm, but she had accompany !
Jiemin actually accompanied her & they started drawing doreamon #again ~

Well, get started on DBIS notes, && Pattz join us too !
Forever messy with colored pen, & a piece of paper to test out the ink ~
Had Chicken chop + Spagetti for dinner from Business, NICE (Y) !
Slacking away, but still managed to chiong out all the DBIS note till lec 3......
We stayed in school till really late, like around 1130pm T.T

Enjoyed my mugging session for TT with the girls :D
Make me feel so happy writing notes together with them !
But I still hope I have much more time to mug....... :(


Wish me good luck k ? I smell holidaysssssss <3
It's Sunday & I'm finally meeting baby :D ! *jump*

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