Friday, June 29, 2012

Assignment sucks ttm........

Finally have some time to do a proper post ! Blog = dusty alrdy...
Yes, holidays have ended and school started for one week alrdy...
It's only the first week of school, and assignment has to be submitted !
Just submitted DSAG assignment on Monday, DBIS assignment yesterday !
And INWT cast study today ~ That's all for the first week ! BUT....
Had to rush so badly for MWNK's case study because SADS's draft only !
But deadline is extended to Friday's 5pm :D Hehehehe ^^ She's so nice...
Alright, nothing much to update actually... Some photo to share :D

20th June : While waiting for Mensa's fruit juice :DDDD

20th June : Meet up with Baby & bought this at Sasa for $2 ^^

20th June : Kenny Rogers is opened at Century Square !! Favorite Cheese Mac ♥

21 June : Baby helped out daddy to move stuff & we had dinner together !

22 June : Baby love ♥♥♥

25 June : First day of school with my girls !

26 June : Fruit juice from Mensa #again ! YAY ♥ !

26 June : Went granny house and look at this cute boy's pant ! SO CUTE ~

28 June : Lolipop from Mr.Patrick, weeeeeeeeee !

28 June : Baby with his 1st 51's beancurd ♥

29 June : Korkor's new phone ! Super cute please ~ Samsun Y Duo Pro !

Done with all the photos ! All are taken from my S2 :)
Weekend are here already, weeee ~ Able to relax a little !
Still have to mug for my assignment within a week, terrible T.T
But at least during Sunday, I get to meet my dearest baby ♥
Okay, need to sleep alrdy ! McDonald breakfast with Mommy ~

Do support now :D

ok, goodbye :)

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