Finally have some time to do a proper post ! Blog = dusty alrdy...
Yes, holidays have ended and school started for one week alrdy...
It's only the first week of school, and assignment has to be submitted !
Just submitted DSAG assignment on Monday, DBIS assignment yesterday !
And INWT cast study today ~ That's all for the first week ! BUT....
Had to rush so badly for MWNK's case study because SADS's draft only !
But deadline is extended to Friday's 5pm :D Hehehehe ^^ She's so nice...
Alright, nothing much to update actually... Some photo to share :D
20th June : While waiting for Mensa's fruit juice :DDDD
20th June : Meet up with Baby & bought this at Sasa for $2 ^^
20th June : Kenny Rogers is opened at Century Square !! Favorite Cheese Mac ♥
21 June : Baby helped out daddy to move stuff & we had dinner together !
22 June : Baby love ♥♥♥
25 June : First day of school with my girls !
26 June : Fruit juice from Mensa #again ! YAY ♥ !
26 June : Went granny house and look at this cute boy's pant ! SO CUTE ~
28 June : Lolipop from Mr.Patrick, weeeeeeeeee !
28 June : Baby with his 1st 51's beancurd ♥
29 June : Korkor's new phone ! Super cute please ~ Samsun Y Duo Pro !
Done with all the photos ! All are taken from my S2 :)
Weekend are here already, weeee ~ Able to relax a little !
Still have to mug for my assignment within a week, terrible T.T
But at least during Sunday, I get to meet my dearest baby ♥
Okay, need to sleep alrdy ! McDonald breakfast with Mommy ~
Do support now :D
ok, goodbye :)
Hi all ! Back posting again ;) Missed me ? *Winks*
Went "Le Parlor" on Tuesday with Shanice for coloring :D
Supposedly we both wore heels out, with slippers in bag :/
Ended up in slippers even before we took the train to Tiong Bahru !

Meet up at 12 for lunch, but ended up grabbing some bite only ~
Went to buy 51 beancurd, not so bad actually.... But laoban nicer :D
So, reached at 2pm and both of us get my hair done like 4 hrs later ?
Shanice re-bond her hair and I merely dyed my hair, pretty cheap !
Curious about why do we head to Tiong Bahru's Salon ?
Yes, this woman is working at Le Parlor ! We're there for her :D
Haha ! Bought beancurd for her too ~ WE ARE WE SO SWEET ?
Took some photos with Andy too, but we look pretty weird....
So left the Salon around 6pm ? Pretty hungry and tired....
Although we did nothing, BUT WE ARE STILL TIRED ! *lazy*
Pretty like my hair color now, copper 7.45 I think ?

Haven't had a proper meal since the start of the day !
Only had bread and 51's beancurd, so we went for dinner :D
Shanice haven't ate before Xin Wang Cafe, so we went there ~
Shall let the photo do the saying ! I'm pretty rushing for time now :/

That ends my Tuesday :D ! Wednesday.... Went to school :)
Meet up with Weeyin at 9am for McDonald breakfast in school :D
After that meet "mystery person" ! Super efficient I must say ~
Went to lab to continue with our work, went for lunch at ITAS with Nic also !
After lunch didn't went back to lab, went walking around Business instead !
Found some pretty nice place to do work ! So settled down and do work ~
Till evening, pack up and left school ! Finally meetup with Baby ♥
Went Kopitiam for dinner, I'm having a bad sore throat, awwwwww :(
This guy kept rushing me, telling me he wants to go to a shop in CS....
Telling me the shop close at like before 7pm, keep rushing me to eat ~
So we actually rush to CS lvl5 and he actually took out his POSB card....
I was pretty pissed off with him before that because we actually didn't meet...
For like 9 days ? And not gonna meet on Sunday anymore, he's working ~
And school's reopening soon too, so meet up time confirm lesser :(
But anyway ! Really touched to have this surprised planned by him ♥ !
Supposed to head over his house to meet him, but daddy need his help tonight ~
So I'm waiting for him to come over now........ No time together again :(
I just wanna spent more time, am I wrong :( ?
First of all, Happy Papa's Day to all Papa in the world !
This post will be specially dedicated to my dearest Papa ♥ !
So maybe I'll post it in Chinese ? He don't really get English....

To many, father are like the "Head" of the house, of cause in my house too :)
虽然相处的时间少,不过该给的关怀和爱都有给 !
Although we spent less time together, there are still concern & love shown !
尤其是对我,爸爸总会特别疼我过于哥哥弟弟们 !
Especially to me, my dad dote on me much more compared to my brothers ~
很多人说,女儿是爸爸前世的情人,我非常的同意, 呵呵 !!
Many say that "Daughter are Father's previous life wife" ! Pretty true ?

我不是个会说好话的人,只想对爸爸说 "我爱你" !
I'm not good at words, just wanna tell my papa, I LOVE YOU ♥♥
At times your attitude are bad, always scolding us for this and that !
但是我相信,那都是为我们好,你是爱我们的 !
But I believe these are all for our own good, I know you love us :D

I'll take this chance to thanks my dearest Mommy too ♥♥♥ !!
I know she had been working very hard for our family,
especially when she's stress up at work, and when she's back home,
it's pretty messy, with unwashed dishes, and messy area ~
I really appreciate everything she does, Thank you Mommy :')
Okay, I'm done with my post specially for Father's Day :)
We didn't went for any celebration, parents wasn't free though...
But I believe they understand our 心意 right ? *GIGGLES*
Okay ! Back to assignment, wk1 of holiday is ending soonnnnn......
Task to be done : DSAG, stupik packet tracer & 10 page proposal ~.~
Just wish me goodluck, okbye :)
PS : Thanks for reading, do click "like" or "dislike" below !
It's Sixteen againnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ♥♥
Specially updating because it's 16th ! *giggles*
Pretty rubbish if I were to post one long paragraph of things like,
I will love him forever and ever until I die, I will die w/out him !
BUT BUT BUT BUT BUT..............
I do appreciate my silly boy's effort since day 1 we became together...
I have to admit, my attitude are pretty shit when I'm pissed off xD !
And at times, I made him so damn shit like wanna box me so badly !
But I believe in relationship, we just have to learn to give in...
And that should be the reason why we are here today ♥

I love the way he cuddle me to sleep, he hold my hand, his kisses,
every single thing he do could really made my day, or even a smile :)
He may do some stupid things that make me feel so terribly upset and down,
but I think these are all part and parcel of a relationship ?

We may not be the sweetest couple, we do quarrel, we do cold war too !
He may not be very rich, but I believe as long as we are together, we'll be happy !

So, that's my post which is specially dedicated to PJL !
Hope he'll feel super touched and love me more, HEHEHEHE ~
Happy Twenty-Eight Month to Baby ♥♥♥♥♥♥