Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Maxwell with ❤ !

HELLO ! It's another day out with my dearest boyfriend !
Woke up damn early for breakfast, CHICKE MUFFIN ❤ ~~
Back home, sleep for like around 1/2hrs ? And off we head to Town ;)
Went to Takashimaya, Ngee Ann City to get my LENSPEN !
Managed to get a 10% discount because I'm a POSB mastercard user !

Walk around Orchard till evening ? Headed off to Maxwell ;)
Seems like we went there at a wrong timing ? Most stall close :(
But well ! Still managed to get some food, BUT IT'S SUPER NOT NICE !
Bought iBean + 老伴 back home ~ I'M SO ADDICTED TO BEANCURD ^^

Back home, managed to watch TV from 9pm - 1am :/
9pm there's "Pillow Talk" @ Channel 8, pretty nice show !
10pm, "Shrew Wife" @ Channel U ! 11pm, "I love blacklolipop" @ 847 ;)
Till 12am, "The Golden Path" @ Channel 8, super super nice show replayed !
With all these nice program, give me a super good reason to "nua" at home :x

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