Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Happy Birthday Grandma :)

Had a awesome "Clubbing Session" with cousins @ Avatar last Friday ! First time heading over there, and first time went clubbing with cousins ! Quite a nice place to dance and relax, but it's not that high compared to StJames ! Went over straight after family dinner @ TPY ! Awesome place as we are in this function room with only our own tables and they have this system just like k-box ! So ya, enjoyed ourself quite a lot & it's a nice gathering, although the food there taste like anyhow ~ 

And this is the only photo I had with Grandma, HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA ♥ !

Had been mugging for final paper these few days ! SUPER NO LIFE T.T ! Even sacrifice my dating time with Baby just for the sake of exams....... Shall buck up and try to score good for the final paper ! OHYA, gotten back my IWT's assignment's result ~ I GOT A "B" ♥ ! Okay, enough of bullshit ~ Super excited for upcoming events after exams ! 1st March last paper, 3rd March will be my 21st advanced birthday celebration ! And 4th March, me & Baby gonna head over to Genting, wooooooooo ♥ ! Gonna study super hard for exam now, and play super hard after exams :D ! 

So for now, wish me good luck ok ?

PS : Sometime it's just so hard to make a choice when you have so many things to considerate :(

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