Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fucked-Up Day !

Okay, today seriously not my day ! Morning, helped to pass Y.brother his tie & IC for his exam... Here I am rushing to school, there he is slowly stroll out of his school, kinda fucked up already ~ Next, PRSP's result isn't as good as I expected.... Feeling demoralized already, getting bad grades spoils my mood even worst ! Anyway, thought things will just get better ~~ Ok, stayed back in school trying to get the WDS's assignment done, and something cropped up ! Gonna re-do my whole screen design, when I've finished doing it in computer.... Totally spoil my fucking mood for the whole damn fucking day :(

Next, couldn't finish my WDS in time, and now I'm rushing to AB to help JJ take over her shift, zZz ~ Seriously no mood.... And just a moment ago, WX asked me whether I could helped to work on Sunday, I say can't cos I got something on ~ She said this : "Aiya, you everytime also got something on one!" This is enough man... I'm seriously holding back my tears already ! You know that kinda feeling ? For the whole damn day, nothing is good... Tell me what kinda mood should I be bringing to work now ? Sigh :(


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