Thursday, February 17, 2011

Replays, constantly....


Went school yesterday, nothing much I think ? Laugh ~ Baby's feeling unwell, and so ya ! No pizza hut delivery to home, in the end we went Nihon Mura again ~ Went home rested awhile, and headed off to downtown east ! Took neoprint, the pictures turn out not so bad, but the design made us so pissed off ~ So, simple decoration & we went eating ! Blablabla, went home around 9 plus ? Baby's stayed overnight again :D

As for today, had practical at 12pm ~ Quite alright I think ? With baby's help & people seating around me xD We were like helping each other ~ And the test ended quite late, but still we went cafe 2 for snacks ! Back for lecture, early dismiss :D

Went Dr.Ang's clinic but it was closed ! So headed back home, rested for awhile & now we're back to his clinic ~ Baby really need a doctor, his cough gets really really bad ! So ya, while waiting for our turn, I'm here blogging :D Tomorrow, I'm having the IAP's presentation at 10.50am ! Meeting the girls at 10am, and after that, gonna go home nap for awhile ~ And prepare to work at 5pm ! Thanks to TH, so I could rest alittle :))

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