Wednesday, May 19, 2010

7 more days to 100days !

Kinda late for lesson today ! Hurried out, and... I forget to bring my pocket money out ! Left it on the floor while Im wearing shoe this morning ~ Mommy called me & tolf me, but Im late already ! So no choice, went to school w/out money.. Thanks baby for lending me money 1st, if not I'll be asking for money around xD ! Okay, schools was kinda boring I must say ~ As usual, Im very very tired.. Baby sleep during lecture, so do I ! And still, we're still feeling tired ~ Headed back home, and Baby went to sleep while I do my PM's report ! Till around 8plus, went for dinner & baby went home after that ~ Alright, Im done updating, b-byeee ! A short & sweet day spend with my dearest dearest baby ♥

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