Saturday, May 29, 2010

Simple dinner, simple love (:

AHHHHHH, My hair colour is fading away ! Hope, it will fade to the colour I like, & then stop fading, *HAHA* ! Just when I thought my Saturday will be a bored one, it turn out to be quite interesting to me ! Woke up by 8th uncle call, he's coming over to help me with the router thingy :D Ohya, I've a Acer laptop from him ! Although it's not a new one, it's still usable ~ Anyway, called Baby the moment I woke up ! It's kinda great talking to him on the phone, when I just woke up :x I'll just blabber bullshit to him ! He went work, & I stayed at home ~ Uncle came, & I have wireless connection now !


After awhile, 5th aunt called me to meet her, passed her something & we went for lunch ! Headed to Paya Lebar for Suki sushi ~ Anyway, this time round ate 2 plates of Salmon Sashimi w/ 5th aunt ! Rushed back to Tampines interchange, & send Cousin to her tuition ~ Headed back home, *SOMEBODY* came over & we chatted all the way till evening ?

( 加油哦!不要忘记,我们都会在这里!不管发生什么事,一定挺你啦!不要伤心,要加油啦 ^^ )

Prepared myself & off to meet Baby for dinner ^^ ! Ate Pepper lunch, & was teasing this boyfriend of mine ~ But in the end, *PEACE^^v* ! As usual, we walk home from Tampines interchange ~ It's really great to be strolling along the road with him, hor !? Back home, watch show while waiting for him to reach home ~ Nothing much I guess, he was fiddling with his desktop, reformatting his computer & "Im waiting for him, waiting for him" ! All the way till 4am then sleep ~

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Nihon Mura w/ Baby ^^ !

Had lesson on Thursday, early release ! Headed back home & took nap with Baby ^^ Around evening, went to bath & prepare ~ So both of us took bus to E-hub for Nihon Mura ! Saw wenwen, she's working over there ~ But anyway, ate quite a few plates over there ! Baby ordered the Curry Rice, & he say he regret ordering that ~ He said, "I should eat plates of sushi instead of ordering this, zZz !" Isnt he silly, laughs ~ Anyway, was chatting away & it's really great !

Thanks wenwen for helping me to count lesser by 3 plates, *covermouth* ! Around 9pm we finished our dinner I think o.O ? And yeap, both of us decided to walk back to Tampines from E-hub ! It has been a long time since I walk that route, & it's the 1st time walking with Baby ^^ ! Chatted on alot, & I love walking home with Baby ~ Walk till Tamp 400 plus, both of us are sweating like hell ! Decided to take Bus 28, *giggles* ~ End of my Thursday, with Baby kisses on my forehead ♥

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Happy 100 days !

Hellooo ! Im here to update bout my 100 days with Baby, & it's a great one :D Okay, on the 25th he came over my house and stay overnight ~ When it strike 12am, I gave Baby the present I prepared for him ! He's reaction was like, waaaaa... Anyway, it's a hand-made book with our photos & some short writing for him ! And me, busy explaining everything to him ~ What actually happened when Im doing that book for him, and he replied, "No Wonder!"

I hope he like the present, & I think he love it, right right right ?

Anyway, headed out home after lesson on 26th & get ourself changed ! Okay, this guy followed me blindly, w/out knowing where's our destination ~ Cos this is an outing planned by me, so he dont know anything ! Okay, 1st destination we headed off is to Bugis, for neoprints ~ He said, "Ohhhhhhhh!" when I walk towards that level ! Silly guy, next we went Pastamania for dinner ~ 2nd time having that with him, but it's still great as before ! Next we took MRT to Raffles Place, and walk to Esplanade ~ BUT, that's not our destination yet ! We're suppose to find the MRT station, then take to another place, but I cant seems to find it ~ Awwwhs, in the end we walk all the way ! Okay, this is the 1st time Im walking towards that place and I've no idea how should I walk over ! But, I managed to, w/out asking anybody, great right :D

Brought this silly guy to S'pore flyers, *giggles* ! You know how I managed to walk there, I keep tracked of the lights on the flyers and follow those light to lead my way, hahahaha ~ Anyway, Baby keep repeating this, "Baby, Thank you ley! Baby..." Isnt he silly, laughs ~ Oh, there's this promotion for student over there ! $1O per student, weekdays no matter what time as long as it's the operating time ~ Anyway, we thought we can like be in one cabin, with only the 2 of us ! But we gotta share it with a few people ~ But, it's still great going there together with Baby :D

Hahaha, purchase this keychain, 2 for $25 ! And it's kinda cute I must say ~ After that, the last place we headed off to is Helix Bridge ! That bridge was really nice and a beautiful place I must say ~ Walking around the bridge, and was chatting around with this silly guy of mine ! Telling him bout what happen, I've been asking around people, what do you think of when you see "100" this number ~ I got replies like, $100 & something like 100 marks ! But well, that's not the main point anyway ~ Chat till around 10 plus o.O ? Took Yellow line back home, & we're so super tired on the way home ~ Im super lazy, & Im dragging myself to bath ! Baby cant stand me also, keep chasing me to bath ~ He says: "Why are you so lazy har!?" Anyway, Baby's dad fetch him home after that & I went straight to sleep before Baby reach home !

PS : Overall, it's a super super super great & super super super sweet day out with Baby ♥

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I need to be brave !

在一切还没结束之前, 不能放弃, 一定要坚强 ♥

Friday, May 21, 2010

Loving you (:

Skipped lesson today ! Hahaha, too tired to wake up ~ So went back to sleep, till around 930am, baby called me ! "Baby, Open the door" ! I was like, ah ? How sweet of him, to appear at my house early in the morning *smiles* ! I sleep for awhile more, and both of us went to buy breakfast home ~ Continued Cruel Temptation, all the way till last episode, *laugh* ! The ending as not so bad, & I teared xD But anyway, went to sleep awhile till 4pm o.O ? Baby went to work ~ Nothing much, I think human being are seriously weird creatures... Showing attitudes as they want, -.- ! Gotta study for Monday's long quiz ~ Wont be meeting Baby for the coming next 2 days, *sighs* ! But it's okay, 5 more days to 100 days ♥ Ohya, I'll be kinda busy for the coming days ~ Dont call me to go out, I think even for a meal, I'll be very lazy already !
  • Saturday : Acc didi to Parkway to buy his things for overseas!
  • Sunday : Study for WMMC longgggggg quiz, *dontwishtostudy*
  • Monday : Long quiz for WMMC, *faints* (I mean, tiring day for me!)
  • Tuesday : Project @ Baby's house after lesson, which is 3pm ?
  • Wednesday : 100DAYS w/ Baby, I had some suprise prepare for him ♥
  • Thursday : Niho Mura w/ Baby after lesson, *giggles* !

Remember that promise we made *smiles* ?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

7 more days to 100days !

Kinda late for lesson today ! Hurried out, and... I forget to bring my pocket money out ! Left it on the floor while Im wearing shoe this morning ~ Mommy called me & tolf me, but Im late already ! So no choice, went to school w/out money.. Thanks baby for lending me money 1st, if not I'll be asking for money around xD ! Okay, schools was kinda boring I must say ~ As usual, Im very very tired.. Baby sleep during lecture, so do I ! And still, we're still feeling tired ~ Headed back home, and Baby went to sleep while I do my PM's report ! Till around 8plus, went for dinner & baby went home after that ~ Alright, Im done updating, b-byeee ! A short & sweet day spend with my dearest dearest baby ♥

Sunday, May 16, 2010

*insert big big big smiles*


Baby, we've been through things for 3month, *omgs* ! Days were really great with you arounds, Im serious (: Remember we promised each other, we gotta be together for very very very long, no matter what happen ^^v ! I know I always show attitude towards you, Im sorry baby . I just want your attention towards me ! I know you always forgive me & talk things nicely with me . Thank you for pampering me like a princess ! No matter what happen, you always put me in your 1st consideration, & always always treat me best (:


Saturday, May 15, 2010

CIP ? Bullshit !

Woke up atound 645am ! OMG, super super super tired I must say ~ Headed out, all the way till Compass Point ! Meet up with the guys, and went to collect the bag for donation ~ How cute, it comes with a bag of hand fold cranes ! Straight away went over to Mcdonald for breakfast, *giggles* ! But anyway, no idea where to go after that ~ Last minute decision, went over to JianHua's house ! Slack all the way till times up, & bus back home ~ Back home, get straight to sleep ! Woke up around 5pm ? Prepared myself, & took bus 81 with didi all the way till Serangoon, *faints* ! Reached there and had a gathering dinner with family, kinda great but no pictures taken xD Sally sent us home after that, & baby came over, *jumps* ! This silly guy, ate instant noodles over at my house ! And, we were as usual watching Cruel Temptation ~ Counting down to our anniversary, & we're drinking red wine that Baby brought over ! And, I finally give him the cookies I've made for him ~ He's kinda shock & he finish it all :D Sleep around morning 6am I think, *tired* !

Friday, May 14, 2010

Baby, Baby, Baby, OHHHHHHHHHH ♥ !


Wednesday is Daddy's birthday ! Schooling as usual, and kinda tired I must say ~ After school headed home with Baby ! Bought that small little cake for daddy & waited for them to come back home ~ Had a small celebration at home, and off we headed off to Bedok 85 for dinner :D ! Ordered a table of food as usual ~ Chicken wing, Sugar cane, Minced Pork Noodles, Stingray & Fried Oysters ! And, we finished all ~ Hahahahahaha :D Had a great dinner with family, plus BABY !

After that headed back home & as usual took photos with baby agains ! Alot alot of photo :D Hahahaha, and it rains ! So, baby went home quite late ~ His dad came over to fetch him homeeeeeeee ! Blablabla, thursday lesson was kinda alright ? PM2 lesson was short ~ Nothing much, after that headed home with baby ! He accompanied me till around 4pm ? Went over to prepare & meet up with Yxiang they all ~ While baby went home ! *IT IS A PART OF SUPRISE* Anyway, headed home around 11 plus o.O ? Quite a tiring day for me, but I think it's worth doing those things :D Right baby ? *giggles*

Today was a short & sweet day ! Headed to school with baby, but in the end we did nothing in class ~ Early dismiss also -.- ! Reach school around 830am, & leave at 945am, zZz ! Nothing much, went back home & bought breakfast back home together with baby ~ Was watching Cruel Temptation last few episode of disc 5 ! After that went to sleep ~ Baby leave around 4pm ? And I continued sleeping, all the way till 6 plus ~ Had dinner with Daddy & Mommy at home, daddy cook ! Nothing much after that, tmr gonna have CIP @ Compass Point with the guys, do support me ! BUT, baby's not going :( ! But anyway, Im gonna wake up around 6am tmr ~ Not gonna wait for baby to end work, & Im off to sleep nowwww !

PS : Baby is staying over tmr night, HAHAHAHA (♥‿♥) !

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

You're like a star, always with me (:

Im back updating againnnnn ! Hahahahaha (: Starting of the week, nothing much I guess ! Monday.... As usual elective ? Anyway, Mr KimSeng told us that supposely we have labs to do ! But, the labs have problem.. So, "Own Time Own Target" AGAIN ! And lesson starts at 9am, he said this like 915am ? So we got all the time to slack around -.- ! Anyway, had lecture lesson again ~ As usual, me & baby will be taking photo over and over again ! Nothing better to do, start to draw things on book :D After school headed back home, & dinner with family + baby too !

Okay, here's my tuesday ! Headed to school with baby, but I guess he's kinda tired.. Quite quiet along the way to school ? Went school, was doing lab & tmr I had a graded lab, MUST GO ~ But anyway, lecture lesson was boring boring boring ! Lunch at school, it's Fidah's birthday anyway ! Sang Birthday song for her, plus some cute cupcakes for her too ! Anyway, last lesson was kinda alright ? MsJoyce teach me how to configure those thingy & ask baby to encourage me so that we can both score well ! HAHAHA, She's cute la :D Lesson end around 3pm ? Went walking around Tamp area, while waiting for baby to end his revision for his coming pratical test ~ Alright, done blogging ! Off to sleep, baby is waiting for me :D


PS : Another 2 weeks, my suprise gonna be out :D !

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Baby I can see you Halo !

Saturday went over to Granny house, it's Skye's 满月 ! So headed over with Mommy & Daddy ~ Reach there and quite alot of people ! Anyway, ate something over there & was doing nothing all the way till Channel U showing "Down with love" @ 930pm ~ They adults were having some drinking session & chit-chatting around outside Granny's house ! All the way till 10 plus, headed back home & didnt watch Cruel Temptation bcos Im too tired ~ But well, woke up next day around 10am ? Prepared myself & meet up with Baby ~ He've got 2 days MC & he's spending one day with me, sweet !

Okay, so the both of us meet up at Tamp interchange ! Having no idea where should we go ~ A moment, decided to go back my house, a moment wanted to go elsewhere ! So final decision, headed over to Bugis area & decided to watch IpMan2 ~ Bought 410pm ticket & went nearby to had Wanton Noodles 1st ! Baby treat me, hahahahahaha :D Anyway, went over to Iluma's cinema & watch the show ! We were almost late ~ Walk in the dark & I sprain my leg ! But somehow, not so pain ~ The show was really a great one ! And somehow, it's me & Baby 1st time watching movie, the 2 of us only for the 1st time xD ! Parted at Tamp inter, & headed back home ! So, that's all for my weekends (:

Friday, May 7, 2010

I feel safe when Im with you !

Helloooooooo ! Last night, baby came over around 7pm ? & he helped me to download Microsoft Office 2007, thank you my dearrrrr ♥ ! Anyway, headed out for dinner with didi ~ 3 of us went to 802 for Hokkien Mee, compared to the previous time we go, this time round taste worst ! But anyway, happen to see Limhwee over there ~ So somehow acc him eat & chatted awhile :D After that walk back home, from Tamp802 walk back Tamp381 ! It's kinda cool, to chat along the way & laughing away ~ On the way back, walking pass a mango tree & the mango drop right in front of us ! 3 of us got kinda shock, but couldnt stop laughing at each other reactions after that xD Back home, took disc 4 & 5 of Cruel Temptation from XGBFF ! 3 more disc left, all the way till disc 8 :D Back home, watch 2 episode & went to sleep ~

Skipped lesson this morning, cos Baby & I was feel super tired ! So, continued sleeping, till around 10am ? Woke Baby up & request for Mcdonald breakfast, HAHAHAHA ~ So Didi helped us to buy, & continued watching Cruel Temptation ! Baby keep on saying "Cannot offend girl, kinda scary!" Laugh, silly ♥ Anyway, this guy keep complaining bout his blackhead on his nose & keep wanting to paste that thingy to remove blackhead ! And ya, we did paste that thingy ~ The result was kinda awesome for him, but not for me ! Perhaps he have more blackhead to be removed, thats why the whole thingy look so disgusting after he took out xD But this silly guy, is still keen to paste again ! *Silly*

And, as the time reachs noon, the weather become so terrible ~ All the way till 2pm ? Baby went back home to prepare for work, poor him ! Intended not to work today, but his manager doesnt allows ~ BABY MUST JIAYOU ! He'll be whining to me bout he's very tired, very sian-ed ~ No worries, Im here baby ♥ Okay, I guess my weekend gonna be the same again ? Tmr going Grandma house, Aunt's baby (Skye) 1st month ! I think Skye this name, is kinda kinda kinda cool ~ When he grows up, he'll be very handsome I think xD Okay, done with updating my blog :D Off to watch Cruel Temptation !


Thursday, May 6, 2010

The life of a student (:


Well, school was somehow not so bad for me today ! But, kinda tired.. 830am lesson for MXP, & was trying to do the lab teacher gave ~ BUT, seems to have some problem ? So teacher say, "Own time own target" ! Hahaha, went cafe 3 to grab some bites & headed back to school then ~ Back to class, pack bag & off for next lesson ! Lunch break, actually wanted to go Bedok Interchange, BUT the bus wasted our time, so in the end eat in school... S&W after lunch, & I AM SWEATING (≧ω≦) ! That teacher is kinda funny, he says "IM CUTE xD" ! Hahahahaha (¬_¬) After S&W went for PM awhile, & headed back home after that ~ Okok, Baby's at my house nowwwwww ! He's staying over tonight, HAHA (♥‿♥) And, we'll be having dinner together later on, that's all ! Dont feel like going to school tmr, but I guess I gotta go, have to pass the floating register to the CA ~ By the way, I've finished Cruel Temptation disc 1 to 3 ! Waiting for disc 4 to 6 ~


PS : 10 more days, 20 more days ♥

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Lazy to post blog !

Hello ! Im back in school posting my dusty blog, it has been almost 5 day since I've post my blog ~ Im lazy & kinda busy watching my Cruel Temptation at home ! Hahaha, Im at episode 47 already & gonna xchange disc 1 to 3 with XGBFF for disc 4 to 6 ~ Sucha nice show I swear, you guys must watch ! That 恩才 has changed image already & she's so damn chio ~ But anyway, had been watching that for the past few nights ! Even daddy is addicted too ~ He blame me for snatching his tv & he accompanied me to watch the show ! Yesterday Baby went out with his Buddy, hope he enjoys ~ And was texting him, totally playing around ! I disturb him, & his reply really make my day better ~ Anyway, lesson today was really simple ! But, my stomachache is killing me ~ Hope it will get better later on ? Ohya, coming thursday baby is coming over to my house, to stay overnight ! Now off for lunch breakkkkkkk, byee :D