Monday, March 29, 2010



Accidentally woke Baby up by the click of the mouse ! Anyway, went downstairs to print photos with Mommy ~ She's not working, so we went out together ! Ate lunch, back home prepare & took bus 518 to Orchard ~ Went Paragon, for the M1 wireless thingy ! Supposed to cancel, but she forgot to bring along another cable ~ So, gotta return them the cable within one week ! After that, took bus 518 back home again ~ Meet up with Didi, & four of us had our dinner together at house downstairs ! Something happened, sighs! Btw, suppose to meet Yvonne & Ervin for singing session ! But Yvonne fall sick, so everything cancelled ! Headed back home after dinner, Baby & Didi get changed & off we went to Cash Studio at Bedok ! Took bus 9 there, & started singing ~ Well, Baby's having some sore throat I guess ? But, he still managed to sing ! Me & Baby took so damn lot of photo I must say ~ With all those weird weird expression ! Laugh, so sing till around 12 plus I guess ~ Took last bus to Tamp & walk back home ! Okay, this 2 guys are talking about lames jokes & lots of things ! Kinda tired, but still I had a great day out, especially with Baby (:


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