小时候, 根本没有烦恼这种东西...
Alrights, Im back to update bout this Thursday of mine ! How's yr day ? Mine was, kinda bad.. Anyway, morning meet up with Junlong & we had Mcd breakfast at Tamp inter :D Chatting, blablabla ~ Headed to school after that, and was doing lab thingy ! Thanks to Junlong, for teaching me ^^ If not, I'll be handing up the question paper w/out any answer on it ! Early released & we had 2 hours break ~ Went to Tamp for lunch, then back for WAD lesson.. I hate combine class, especially people who loves to attract attention ! It makes me feel so, irritating & pissed ? But I gonna tolerate, zZz... After lesson meet up with XGBFF, acc her to IMM for her pay thingy ! Throw all my troubles on her, telling her everything ~ At least I feel much better, but the scene keeps appearing in my mine ! After IMM, headed back Tamp for dinner . I only can say, things wasnt the same anymore . I feel as if Im from the different world as them . Maybe Im too paranoid, I just think that things really changes ? He used to be there when we were ther, today wasnt the same . He wasnt there, not at all . Kinda dissapointed ? Althought we dont knw what he's up to recently, but seriously dissapointed... Feeling weird w/out him appearing there, but there's nthg we can do I guess ? Well, enough of my nonsense ~ Lots of images running in my brain now, especially that night ?
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