Back from the tiring day of mineeee ! Laughs, well ~ Morning wake up around 11 plus ? Tidy myself, then went to downstairs for lunch ! With Mommy, Bros & Angela ~ Well, after that went walking around with them @ tmart ! Went to Guardian, Watson ~ Bought this Blackhead thingy for nose, where can I find this thingy for face ? Laughs, cause my face is getting worst >< Anyway ! Headed back home, watch show for awhile & then meet up with Xinyi together with Angela ~ Went to gym, and started doing the cycle thingy ! For around 20mins ? Laugh, was chatting away with Angela & the time passed fast ~ After that, running thingy ! Blablabla, stayed in the Gym for 1hour only then left ~ Bath & went to 日本村 ! Totally like, gym for nothing >< Anyway, went walking around Tampines ! Bought the bag I saw in Zinc, hahahahaha ~ Im so happy ! Well, then went T1 the disney shop ~ Made 4 name tag ! One for me & another one for Angela ~ The other 2 is present ! Laughs, quite cheap I guess ? Anyway, walk around and keep eating ~ Ate Chicken wing, bought bubble tea ! And, im eating biscuit now >< My gym trip is useless I guess ? Anyway, headed back home ~ And now im at home, aloneee ! Laughs, the rest went to temple I guess ~ Ohya, tmr's my last day of holiday ! I wont be staying at home of causee ~ That's not me ! Laughs . Will be going out with Yvonne & Ervin, hahahaha :DD Who else going, I dont knw ? Done with blogging ! Ohya, im watching 康熙来了 from just now ~ I keep laughing to the computer screen man ! And, Im home alone ~ Laughs, anyway ! Gonna share this thingy bout Horoscope :DD
1. 双鱼座
2. 白羊座
3. 金牛座
1. 白羊座
2. 处女座
3. 双子座
1. 双鱼座
2. 白羊座
3. 射手座
1. 狮子座
2. 金牛座
3. 白羊座
4. 射手座
5. 巨蟹座
1. 处女座
2. 金牛座
3. 天坪座
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