Enough of the rubbish I've post for the past few days ! Well, just ignore if possible :D
Okay, my attendance is almost full ! Only for S&W, if not it will be full attandence ~
Althought everyday go sch, but late everyday too ! But, thr's so many projects need to be done .
Had been doing group work for all modules ! WLD's presentation was not really a good one !
But well, it's not an impt presentation anyway ! Laughs, schools was fun & really enjoyable :D
Laughing away I swear ! And today went to Grandma house, was playing with the kids, pretty cute ~
Omg, I seriously dont knw what to post please ! These few days, my temper is seriously bad ~
I gets impatience easily & got angry with people in my group almost everyday ! Laughs .
It's aint PMS okay ! But, things they do really make me... I dont understand the way maybe ?
But well, different people have different ways of doing things . Is it so hard to voice out ?
Laughs, tmr is a Friday ! No longer holiday for me, but Korkor ~ How great it is :D
But still I prefer to go school, than staying at home, snatching the computers with my brother !

I should be buying this phone I guess ? Laughs :DD
Nighhtttttts !
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