9am I did reach school ~ Hahah, and morning pratical lesson was taught by MrSoh ! Not MrSuen ~ Cause he had smthg on ! Did abit of pratical, and MrSoh lesson is really boring.. He keep repeating the same things . Lunch headed to Tampines for KFC ~ And Lesson was postponed to 2pm, but still we didnt go back ! Was playing "OpenNumber" to decides whether to go back ? Even number back to school, odd number back home ! In the end is even number, but we still didnt go back to school :x Haha !

Meet Ger & Guoen, no whr to go so headed to East View ! Yeah, so much of the memories ther uhs ? But, not much people I knw is in school today ~ Maybe cause of the N-lvl Oral ? Most of the teacher are over at other schools . Anyway, saw MrGoh & MrLoh ! Chat for awhile and went out to meet Yazi ~ So long since I meet him ! Hahas, he's so fun alrights :x Anyway, headed back home then !
Yes, I wanted to drop my wireless technology . Cause I dont understand a shit out of it ! And, i have no interest in the 1st place ~ I tried, but nthg seems to be turning better ? Mommy, I told you I had no interest . And what you say ? Interested could be improved, what nonsense ? I mean, if no interest, what's there to improve about ? And I say, I dont feel lik continue-ing this course, exams are reaching . You say, then wait till the exams end then we decides . Mommy, do you really knw what I want ? Im trying to tell you how I really feel, but you are giving me a kinda of reaction lik, im jus talking nonsense . Is not as if I wont study anymore ? I will work meanwhile, and choose another course of my interest next year . I really dont knw why, you seems to be controling my life . Cant I choose my own life ? Maybe it's wasting your money, but i rather quit now then suffer later . You wants me to tell you things, but when I told you, you said im acting like a kid and do things without thinking . I really have no interest in wireless technology . Cant you just let me choose smthg Im interested in and do well ? And, taking the coming exam is making me so stress, you knw ?
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