Hellos people ! It's 3.30am now and here I am posting >.< Dont ask me why, I cnt get to sleep siahs ~ And both ytd's lesson and today was, alright ? MrEngKai would be away for 2weeks, so MrDesmond took over his lesson . Well, was way much better ? Cause at least I could catch up ! And my textbook has notes all over, really >.<
Anyway, today lunch was 2hour so headed to TampInter Mac ! Headed back for his lesson again, and S&W was cancelled due to the H1N1 thingy ~ Jiayi, Des & Ys didnt came to school, cause they are sick ! Take care alrights (: Im going to be sick soon too ! The whole group of ppl are complaining that they are hot, only me sneezing away with my jacket on >.< Think im really falling sick ! Keep coughing too ~
Okay, im done with it already ! Hahas, it's turning 4am soon ~ Im left with 3 hours to sleep ! Cause lesson starts at 8.30am, and Im meeting Jimson at 8.20am ~ Hmm, feeling quite down due to some reason that cnt be said . Hope things will turn for the better ? It's so upset that my tear cant stop... Anyway, good morning everyone !
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