Leave it to fate, alright ?

HeyHeyHey ! Hahas, enjoyed the photos ? Now it's time for me to post some text uhs :DD Alright, ytd didnt went to escape cause quite a number of people dont feel lik going >.< ! Yeah, so headed for movie instead ~ Hahas . Watch Ice Age, total 10 people :DD Quite funny, and nice ! After that headed back to chalet for bbq ~ Ate Guoen's mom fried rice, damn nice man ! Hahas, ate quite alot and chicken wing is so nice :DD Keep eating and chatting around with Jimson, Ben & Gerald's friend ( Lawrance & WenHao )~ Ya, slack and eat around ~ Was eating Koko Krunch, hahahaha ! Me & Jimson ate the whole packet finish >.< Anyway, headed home around 11 with Jimson & Ben ! Took bus 12 back home, till 201 and walk back home :DD Damn tired, bath and use computer awhile ! Around 1am headed off to sleep ~ Damn tired, morning around 11plus then wake up ? Hahas, damn shiok ~ Was lying on bed all the way till 1 plus, meet XGBFF at 2pm ! Meet her for Mcdonalds, cause she miss her Garlic Chilli so badly & it's back ~ Chat awhile and headed back to my house . She came my house too, cause her house no ppl at home :DD Was having great chat ! Lying on bed, talking about many many things ~ And she help me change bed sheet :D How great of her uhs ? Hahahs ! And I did alot of house chores man ~ Wash the clothes, change my bedsheets, vacuum my room & later on Im going to hang clothes ? Hahas, damn damn tired ~ But shiok ! Cause after I do finish, mommy cnt find excuses to scold me liaos >.< ! She's been trying to control me this few days ? I watch movie, she wants to see the movie ticket -.- Hello Mommy, Im 18 already . You are doing things that make me feel that you dont trust me . So funny, a girl cnt be trusted by her mother even when she's already 18 ? Hmm, hope things will turn better ! Tmr, still planning on whr to go ~ Too many dates on >.< ! Alright, off to do other things :DD http://hushh-ed.blogspot.com
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