Hello my dear readers ! Hahas, posting my blog now and im going to sleep liaos >.< Hmm, the bbq was alright alright alright ! Anyway, ytd the guys came to my house one by one and we headed off to East Coast around 3 plus ? Shared 2 cab, one cab went to fetch YX & Jacky . Another cab is off to collect Fried Rice from Grandma ! Yeah, so me, Jimson, Didi & Ben.N shared one cab and went to collect the rice . Hahas, testing the rice before going down ! Damn nice ~
Well, reach East Coast & was looking for the BYOP pit -.- Im sorry ppl ! Damn paisehs and super super guilty ~ Anyway, hope they dont mind ? Okay, started fire and everyone was hungry ~ Ate fried rice & beehoon ! After awhile it start rain, but the sun still shines after the rainbow ^^ Haha ! So continued with the bbq ~ And of cause phototaking ! Hahas, not much ppl willing to take photo with me :( Jim & Xiang didnt take individual with me ! But they went to take group with the others >.< !
Anyway, really enjoyed myself during the bbq ! Rent the overnight bike for $8 together with Jimson & Didi ~ Quite cheap uhs ? Hahas, cycling around ! Even to toilet >.< Cause it's quite a distance uhs . Decided to ton till morning ~ And they were playing games ! True or dare, damn funny ~ Those question they ask are simply super funny :x Alright, shall not mention ! Cause it will be damn shit >.< ! After that, headed to the nearby Jetty with Ben.N, Didi & Jimson ~ Talking about ghost thingy ! And talking halfway, me & Jimson feel super damn cold :x Hahas, like suddenly lahs ? Hack it, and headed back to find the others ~
Was sharing about each other thingy . Like, some question asked about the most paisehs thing ! Well, shared mine and mine is falling down the drain and refuse to put any med on ~ Hahas, damn funny ! Okay, around 4 plus really couldnt tahan liaos ~ Sleep on the floor with Ben's raincoat ! Hahas, damn shiok ~ Cause tired liaos, so no choice ! Was sleeping like princess, in the middle of the road >.< Hahas, Jimson & Ben also sleep ~ But around 6 they wake up liaos, so left me ! And ppl are jogging, jog pass me >.< So shift it to corner ! Hahas ~
Anyway, acc Jim to the underpass way and then cycled back ! Gotta pack up those things and wait for time to pass -.- Have to return the bike we rent at 9am ! Everyone was really damn damn tired ~ So didnt talk much ! Cab home with Gerald, Ben & Didi ~ Stupid taxi driver, hear wrongly and drove us to St 73 instead of st 33 -.- ! And he keep quiet, while Ben trying to claim some refund or smthg ~ But he ignore ! But in the end he charged Gerald less money ~ Fair enought then >.< Haha .
Back home bath and headed off to sleep ! Sleep till around 5 plus then wake up ~ Wasnt shiok enought actually ! Still damn tired ~ Ate dinner and watch tv awhile . Didnt get a chance to use computer ! Alright, done with updating the bbq thingy ^^ Thanks PMJ for not blaming me :x I hope those who went enjoyed ? Hahas !
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