Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sorry for not posting ! Yesterday korkor was bugging the computer with some show, zZz ~ Anyway, sleep around 2am yesterday ? This morning went to work with a super swollen eyes -.- ! Hahaha, and I told them I didnt sleep well ~ Awwhs, didnt sleep well really make my days sucks ! Haha, keep talking nonsense and laugh non-stop with Doris . Somehow, she become my mother, haha ~ And she took care of me uhs !

Okayokay, lunch with LeeHoon & Adelyn ! Haha, ate chicken rice, yuacks ! Not nice le :x Tmr I must eat Fish Slice Soup . Back to work, and was chatting and playing with Guowei -.- Hahaha . He help us to check cheques, and he found US Dollar . He ask, wher shd I put ? I answer, bring home lo, haha ~ And he strangler me :x Hahah ! Okay, totally nonsense !

Shirley came and nonsense started to come ! David is driving Doris crazy, and driving me mad ~ Doris is angry till crazy, Im laughing till mad ! He's super disgusting, and whole SCB didnt want to be related with him in anyway ! Ohmy, super funny ~ And, he's super fast when it comes to food ! Ohmyohmy, imagine his expression :x Super 'teeko' face, haha ! Lalal, im so bad ~ But at least Im cheered !

Back home around 8 plus ? Dinner and watch tv, zZz ! Well, Im changing phone number quite soon ? Cause currently Im using my uncle number, zZz ~ He wants back ! Well, shall update you guys about my number . Probably using back the old one ? Hahah ~ Alright, tmr is friday and Im gonna be happy ! Can I ? Hopefully . Okays, tag time ! Byeeeeeeeeeee ~

T.A.G.S.R.E.P.L.Y.S !

passerby: you studying what course in simei?

- Eh, wireless HN . Haven start sch ah :)

evon: girl. you going to gerald chalet nxt wk ?? if you going den i go worx. (: text me let me noe barx.

- Haha, see you thr ? Text-ed !

XGBFF: Hahhahaha, miss me uh ! hahah! x; I tell you something later. -.- very ridiculous! laughs x:

- Girl, cheer up la ! Can you update me yr thing ? I also have alot to say ~

simin: hey *****! tagged

- Siao ah you, keep scold me ***** ! hurhur ~

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