HELLOS ! Im finally back with some texts ~~ Hehes :x Sorry ah, been busy, and of cause Im lazy to post text ! Hahah, I now have mood to post uhs ~~ Hmmm, CNY was quite enjoyable ? Posted all pictures, and now gonna do a summary :x Lalala ! Alright, start with the 1st day of CNY !
First day, went to Temple, haha . TianYing saw me, but I didnt :x And last year we met too (: Anyway, headed to Grandma hse, we are the 1st to reach again, zZz ! Hahah ~~ Then went to 206, quite alot ppl thr alrdy uhs ! All my cousin and aunty ~ Ate smthg and started to play cards, lost abit :( Hurhur ! After that headed to WanQin house ~ Planned our night outing, and yea, I've watched the movie "The Wedding Game" ! Together with Carmen, WanQin & Zhong ! kinda nice uhs :D But the adv was super long I swear ! Hurhur ~~
Well, second day was lik, RUSH ! Cause total we headed to 6 places -.- Firstly, went to Mommy's godfather house . ANGMOKIO ! Then headed to Hougang I think ? Haha ~ I look lik Kor's GF !? Blablabla ~ Then bedok, 2 places ! zZzZz ! Alrdy falling sleep, cause not enough sleep uhs ! Well, supposely heading to 3rd Aunt hse, but everyone headed to Grandma hse alrdy ~ So headed to grandma hse instead (: Mahjong ! Hahah, I didnt play uhs ~ Cause ytd I lose :( Lalalala ! Headed home around 10 plus ? Cause nxt day work !
Okayokay, and third day of new year supposely I should go to work, but I didnt :x Hahah, stomach pain, zZzZz ! Went somewhr, only some of my close one knows ~ Lalala ! Bought a camera ~ Hohohohohos ! Finally bought my camera le :DDD And night, went to XY hse ~ Slack and chat till 11 plus ? zZzZzZz !
Well, skip till today ! Hahaha ~ Today went cycling with Juanjuan ! Hahaha ~ Long time since we met, and long time since I exercise :x Hohohohos ~~ Blabla ! Meet her at Tmart, then had our lunch . After that bus to Pasir Ris, cycled ! Rent the bike, 1hr for 1hr ~ And we left so much time you know !? Took photos && chat for quite long . When we return the bike, it's still early uhs ~ We return 20 min before earlier I think ? Hahah .
Headed to WhiteSand, for my Mp3 ! Hahaha ~ Bought, and Juan bought a bag too . Hahah ~ Well well, bought sushi . As we have the urge to eat :x Hahah ~ Bus back to my house nearby ? Ate the sushi and went home, zZzZz ! Lalala ~ After that, acc Jiahan to his godmother hse for dinner, but I didnt eat ~ Watching Haunted Masion, quite nice ? And it's quite a old song le ~ Hurhur ! Till his cousin came, then they played cards . Blablabla ! Left thr around 10 plus ? Meet Mommy and Im hungry ~ Ate noodles and then headed home ~~
My mp3 is charged alrdy ~ And tmr then i'll upload songs in . Cause it's late now ! Tmr going XGBFF house, hohoho ~ Im quite qidai ohs ! Byeeeeeeeee ~
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