Monday, August 11, 2008

Done wiith my blogg alrdyy ~ Hohohos ! Spent the whole afternoon editiing ~~
Morniing went down Shop&Save with Mamii ~ Bought things for dinneer, hah !
Then back home, ate BanMiann ! Hohohs, then mom eat my leftovers, sorry :x

Rottiing at homeee, doiing nth ! Blablabla ~~ Usiing com, changiing Skiins, hahas !
Help ChinKiiat.Mamii with his Skiin tooo ~ Hah ! Not very niice ah, sorry ohhhs :x
Nothing to post actually ! Cause iim feel lik cryiing, very badly ~ Not trying to act..

Sisters, perharps we have some misunderstandiing ? I dont noe, only sorry ii can say.
I dont mean anything, iif ii did something wrong, tell me ? I'll try to change if ii can ~
Exams are around th corner and ii dont wanna think about other things, possible ?

Thanks Diion&Zhijiie for accompany-iing me ! & giviing me th best solutiion iin tiime ~
Dont worry, ii will stand up and work hard for my studiies, yea Diion ? Hah !

Happy Birthday Mummy (:

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