Sunday, August 31, 2008
Blogger ahh blogger !
Friday, August 29, 2008
Let the pictures do th talk (: Sorry for not posting yea ! Busy studyiing ~~ Ytd night went downstair, meet ahwei & jie ! Laughs* As usual, playing lik mad ! Chatt with them and realise, ii still haf them yea ? Laughs* 10pm went home (: Today in EastView, we celebrated Teacher's dayyyyy ~~ Laughs* Wooo-hoooos ! Greatt (: Enjoy alot and really a bigbig thanks to all teachers ! Did cards for some of them ~ Hah, they were lik, ohhmyy ! Thankks my dearrrr (: Early morning learn MuayThai ! Special people from other country came our sch, was fun ! Then went back to class ~~ Suppose to have Mini-concert for 5NA, but we couldnt preform due to some reason ! Blablabla, it's okayy ! We are still unitedd yea 501 & 502 (: Hah, grauation sure cry de :x ack to class and photo taking sessionn ! Hah, ii loveee 501 pls ~ Supriise for MrVinay, MdmNisha nvr come :( Laughs* He came in and was lik, harhar ? Hah ! The malay guys bought cake for him, and we sang HappyTeacher'sDay to him ! He was lik, thanks Guys ! I really appreciateeeeee ~~ Laughs* Then continue take photo ! Till 10? Went to hall for concert, was kinda great. But some were boriingg, hahahaha :x Nabeel & Faris spoke up on stage, representing 5NA ! Especially our class, 501, Laughs* Cause we brought to the schools alot of trouble & Especially to MrVinay & MdmNisha ~~ But some classes was lik, totally rude ? We haven finish, they walk off already, wtf -.- Nvm ba? We only saying to teachers ! So most importantly is for Our dearest teacher ! Dismiss at 11pm, hahahaha ! Super early pleaseeeeee ~ Meet Xingan at bbt shop ! then back to priimary schh wiith Xingan, Junkiiat, Zhiqing, HuanChoon & Baby, Laughs* Reach thr was lik 11pm ? But was told that only till 2pm then we can go in -.- Wtf mans ! Went to 106 and look for korkor, then 1pm went back, can go iin already -.- Laughs* The feeling was really Great, hahaha ! I miss primary school pleaseeeee ~~ Esp my fren :( But none of them came back :( Staff room iim only familiar with 2 Teachers, Siiannn ~~ MrsSuria&MrsAmir -.- All teacher left alreadyy laaaaaaa ~ Sighs* Time really flies yea ? A blink of eyes, 5years passedd ! Ohhmyy, many things happen, laughter & even tears ~ Blablabla, back home and was super tiiredd pleaseeeeeee ! Went to take a napp then :x 6plus, Baby came my house and wait for me to preparee ~ Off to ribenchun for dinner ! Hah, reach thr was lik, woahhs ! Quite many ppl thr ! Then awhile jiu hao place eat le (: Bill was $16.95, inclusive of GST & Service Tax ! Hah, then went walking around Tm&Cs ! Intended to take neoprint, so cabbed to E-hub & took neopriints ! Uploaded soon kkay (: Saw Qiuyun & Fren (: Blablabla ! Then bus home, laughs* Kinda tiiredd now ! Im donee (: Now uploadiing some photos taken today (: Hah, off to sleepp ! Tmr going out to study ? Go ahmah hse first, then to inter, meet Aiai then head to her house to study ! Laughs* Sunday studying with Xingan at mac again (: See, we are supersuper hard workiing kayys ?
Happy Advanced Teacher's Dayy (:
Happy 6thMonth to me&Babyyyyyyy (:
Monday, August 25, 2008
Hah :x Total bill is aroud $45 ! Laughs* Ate chawamushii, ohhmyy ahh, niice siiaa ~~
Went to tm & cs, walk around, window shoppiingg ! Hahaha ~~ Then go minitoons !
Ohhhmyy ahh ! Junkiat show me a mickey can, which iis something lik piggy bank !
But it's mickey bank :x ii wan it so badly pleaseeeeeee ! $10 :x I not enough money ~
Went to popularr and buy something, mood not good :x Cause ii wan it so badly :(
Suppose to transfer money to th blogshop acct, but my POSB card at home -.- wtf !
Bus back to 291, then Xingan & me went back to my home, take card and back to 201 ~
Transfered money and Junkiat left us, he went somewhere ~ Left 3 of us go mac study !
While walking back, moods seems to be very unhappy :( Then suddenly baby took smth out.
From his bag, that mickey bank ii saw iit at minitoons ! Ohhmyys, he went back to buy :x
Which ii didnt even realise, cause he only say he went to the toilet ! Hah, woaini baby (:
Well, back to tmart mac and study till 6 plus, went to buy dinner and went to Xingan house..
Till 8.30pm, went home andd Baby's at my house. Due to some reason, he cnt go Xingan hse !
Laughs* Sleep at 10.45pm ii think ? Morning wake up still super tiiredd ii swear, sighs*
Haha ! OkayOkay, then Geo today was lik, huh ? But still alriight ii think ? MT sucks laa :x
Think ii will write out of topiic uhs ? Blablabla, hack it alrdy laaaa :x Hah, tmr Physic leyy ~
Off to prepare, cause once again going studyiing Xingan, siiann laaa ! Study sucks uhs ?
But no choiice ahhh ~~ Gotta work super hard, for prelim & olevel (: Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee !
Btw, today's highest hit iis Xingan ! Hah, 10 time ley ~ Laughs* Xingann, ii loveee you (:
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Laughs* Exams haven endd ley, siiannn ! Keep studyyiingg, from day to night :x
Bro tell me, "dont keep study laaa, you will very stress dee" Hah, ii didnt laa ~
Baby feel the same way too :( Nvm, ii will be fine kayys ? I will control nahh (:
Daddy iis simply super ass ! Study too much cnt, use com say ii nvr study -.-
Anyway, sorry for not postiing for so many days, which ii didnt realiise :x
Had been doing Baby's present and studyiing lik maddd, once agaiin, Hah !
Every month de behind ii will be very busy :x Cause anniiversary reachiing ~
Pretty qidai about it ! More curious of wat kinda expressiion Baby will give :x
Tmr gonna hafing Gegraphy & MT Paper 1 ! Siiann ahh, only studied TOURISM ~
Later gonna study Agricultural & Environment ii think ? Hah, buck up ahhh Huixin !
Blablabla ~ Later meeting Xingan, Baby & Junkiat for 日本村 ! Ohhmyyy ahhh :x
Anyway, Baby iis gifing me a Mickey Mouse Mp3 ! Thanks Baby, ii loveee you (:
Later gonna go transfer the money and it was arriived before our aniiversary !
Hmmm, from today onward, ii will post the highest hit on my blog for th day !
Example, the highest hit for today, currently iis Diionnnnn ! Haha, come nvr tag :x
Nvm, ii forgivee you :x Blablabla ! Xingan, click moree laaa, you mus top de maaa ~
Laughs* Come my blog mus tagg maaa ! Say hi only also can :x Laughs* Up to you (:
Off to study awhile before ii go 日本村 uhs ? Laughs* If not daddy nags again _|_ !
Byeeeeeeeeeee ! Wish me good luck for th rest of th paper next week, Hahahaha :x
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Postiing that OOOOLLLLDDDD piicture taken longlong time ago, siighs*
It wouldnt be th same anymore ii guess ? Everyone haf their own life now ~
Jus hope that one day we will go out and enjoy, just lik last time how we played..
Blablabla ! Nthg much to sayyyyyyy ~~ No comment, studies simply sucks ?
I used to think so, but now still alright bahh ? Cause ii tried my best alrdy ~
Told Dion ii study super hard for maths and ii noe how to do duriing exam !
He say, " HAHAHA, good ! You deserve a pat on ur back, work hard (: Hahah !"
I was lik, of cause :x Then ii say ii if ii work hard, olvl shd be easy uhs? Lol !
Then he say, Of cause ! Just work hard, and ii will get th result ii want (:
Alright, gotta go off nowwwwwww ! Byeeee-byeeeee ~ I love sleeping now laaa !
Pretty great, cause ii noe how to do !! Not all, but majority :x Hope will pass bahhs ?
At least ii tried my best, and i did study ! Hah, olevel shouldnt be a problem ii think ?
Studying everyday, finally ii can stop touching maths note ! Hah ~~ Great laaaa !
But must study other subjects too -.- Exams kinda sucks, when you dont haf time !
Burning midnight oil almost everyday ! Woo-hoos ~ Panda eyes every morning laa :x
Tmr is social studies paper & science MCQ ~ Great, SS should be okay ii think ? Laughs*
How ii wish ii could take Olvl next week :x Cause ii wanna end Exams soon, ii swearr !
But iim gonna work very very hard, even if my prelims end ! Jus study lik maddd ~~
Cause ii wanna work hard, for myself, my future ~ Yea ? Laughs* Im guaiguai girl :x
Blablabla ! Currently at Xingan house anyway :x Laughs* Bought pencil box jus now !
Together with Xingan, identical (: Hah ! And went to buy note book for notes too ~~
Now chattiing with Xingan lik nobody business ! Teachers' day reching soon, hahaha :x
Haven prepare anything yet ! Cause my annii come 1st (: Doiing smth wonderful :x
Dont be shock to see ya Baby ? Hah, you will be damn supriseee ~ Wohooos ! Laughs*
Alriight ! Gotta go off for dinner now (: Hahah, byeeeeeeeeeee ! Im feeling confused......
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Was busy studyiing these few days, so not gonna update that often uhs !
Hah, today Maths paper 1 ! Woo-hooos :x Lucky ii got revise siiohhs ~
Ytd night study graph, today came out graphh ! Hah ~ Heng ahhh :x
Blablabla ! Ytd night went to Xingan house for dinneer, KFC ! Hahah :x
Then do maths, blablabla ~ Siighs* Guys, dont hurt girls cans? Wtf -.-
They are crying lik bloody shit, and you guys are somewhr enjoying ?
Anyway, back home ytd around 9pm then continue studying maths, Hah !
Ohhmyy, thinking back iim alrdy 17 uhs ? Hmm, must really work hardd !
Didnt regret spending time making notes and revision on maths, Hahahah :x
I know how to do today's paper ! Hah, enough time ii sure revise all de :(
Alriight, gotta go off now ! Im hafiing English Olvl Oral later at 2pm, Hah ~
Wish me gd luck leyyy (: Laughs* Btw, ytd met Zhijie, long time no see ahh !
Sunday, August 17, 2008
currently at Xingan housee ! Hmm, studying today was nt really great ~
No more mac ! Went to my house downstair de void-deck and studyy !
Wake up around 11 plus, then went to prepare, meet Xingan at market thr ~
Lunch at foodcourt, blablabla ~ Ate chaoguotiao agaiiin, hohohohs ! Nice pleasee ~
Went to void-deck then, and thr's a wedding going on nearby my house, malays ~
Pretty lively havoc ~ Laughs* Many people thr, so we didnt study much, we kepos :x
Hah ! Then around 3 plus, simin came, then 4 plus Long camee ! Laughs* Siaan ah ~
5 plus went to coffeeshop for dinner, together with Xingan's famiy ~ Ohhmyy ahhh !
Laughiing all the wayy pleasee ! Xingan's parents are lik super super funny, ii swearr ~
Then now at Xingan house, chattiing & postiing blog, updatee song iin my mp3 & phone (:
Alriight, gotta go off nowww ~ Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! Xingan & Simin, cheeer up pleasee (:
Althought ii cant be any help, but ii will be jus standiing here for you guys, loveee ya !
Tmr Prelims, jiayou for all Evs students takiing examss ! Laughs* Buck up uhs, mee too !
Saturday, August 16, 2008
StudyStudyStudy, everyday mann ! Super stress :x Im trying very hard alrdy (:
Studying from around 3pm till 10pm everyday, super guaiix hor? Laughs* !
From 3pm till 6pm, with Xingan & Simin, then till 10pm is with Cliques they all !
Family probs are occuriing almost every days, different matter all th days :(
Only Cliques & Baby knows about the issue, sorry Baby.. Didnt tell you anything.
Didnt get th chance to say ahh, paiisehh ohhs :x Laughs* & Thks for being thr !
Today went to Xingan house after studyiing ! Pretty boredd, cause sat still studyiing !
Blablabla, steal songs from Xingan computer, hohohos :x Then around 11 then home ~
Cause house will be lik kinda empty ! Only zhong at home, then will be lik siiann ?
Somemore dat day ii quarrel with Korkor, wtf pleaseeeee -.- Hack iit man, laughs*
He jus dont understand dat iim still a student and iim hafiing stress iin schh too ~~
Siiann laaaa ~ Baby's still not back from pool&slackiing yet ! I miss him badly :*((
Blablabla ! I've learnt not to give up and let go anything ii've work hard for :DDD !
Byeeeeeeeeeeee ! Baby's backk alrdy (: Tmr studyiing agaiin ! It's Okay , 加油惠欣 ~
Thursday, August 14, 2008
You Have Very Healthy Relationships!
You are an amazing friend, partner, and family member.
You always take other people's feelings into account, and you're never selfish.
Your relationships are based on mutual respect.
You respect the people you love, and you only love people who respect you in return.
Are You Too Negative?
You Are a Little Negative..
You can be negative from time to time, but you rarely go overboard.
You have a realistic view of the world, and most people appreciate your honest insights.
Like everyone else, you have your darker moods.
But when you're feeling super negative, you keep your feelings to yourself.
Are You a Good Listener?
You Are an Okay Listener ~
You try to be a good listener, and usually you are.
But some people are just so boring and difficult to listen to!
Your mind tends to wander during some conversations.
You are likely to space out a little or try to change the subject to something more interesting.
Are You a Confident Woman?
You Lack Confidence !
You're not so sure of yourself - and it shows more than you think
Your lack of confidence affects your friendships, career, and romantic life
People know that they can take advantage of you,
because you won't stand up to them
Start realizing that you're great the way you are,
and almost everything in your life will improve !
How Long Will Your Relationship With Your Guy Last?
Your Relationship Will Last... A Long Time !
This may be hard for you to swallow, but you and your guy might not last
At least not forever. He's somewhere between Mr. Right... and Mr. Right Now
No doubt your guy is a great catch - and generally good to you
The odds are, however, that someone better is out there!
How Strong Is Your Relationship With Your Guy?
Your Relationship is Still Building Strength ~
You're relationship is fairly strong,
but you're still working on making things solid.
Make sure you're both treating each other with kindness and respect,
even when things aren't going well.
What's Your Love Type?
Your Love Type, ESFP !
In love, you relish every moment and tend to get caught up in passion.
For you, sex is how you get in touch with all your senses.
Overall, you are creative, popular, and flexible.
However, you tend to dislike criticism and avoid any conflict.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Maths makes me maddddddd ! But ii jus love to do maths, dont noe why, haha ~~
Then Art, chit-chattiiing like freeee ! Wiith weiiwen, cause GekMing didnt come !
So he sit with me, Airen & Aiai ~~ Blabbering nonsense & sayiing rubbish things :x
Yea, then Recess, MT olvl result releaseddd ! Bloody shit, thought of retaking if ii get B4 ~
Hello, I got C5 pleaseeeeeee ! B also dont haf ahhh, still B4 :x Kinda shagggg, so will retake !
Superr siiann ii swear, Baby got C6, dont noe wat he's doiing ! Better buck up Baby (:
Back to class, Engliish lesson was kinda siiann ! Did vocab work, easy? Ans all written !
Then Chemistry -.- Going through the Test they took last week, ii copy ans only :x
Then Sch releaseeeee ! Wooo-hooooosss ~~ Nothing much, sit at bbt shop rottttt !
2pm back to sch for Physics Mock Test ! Ohhmyy, today know today take test, great !
But th paper, we did iit before laaaaa ~ Exactly the same, but still some blannks left :x
Out to bbt shop, sort things out wiith them.. Nothing alrdy ii guess ? I think so ahhh :x
Anyway, slack awhiileeee & laugh lik mad agaiinnnn ! Cause Duck makes us laughhhh ~
Then went home wiith Baby, preparedd myself and went back to bbt & look for them !
Slack & laughh wiith Augggyyyy & Aiai ! Hah, pretty fuunnn && crazy wiith them :x
7plus, diinneer @ 447 thr ! Auggy's pants kena MILO -.- Ohhmyy, then faster go wash !
Went to Airen's house dwnstaiir and started slackiing first :x Then study around 8 plus ~
Then AhFat brought hiis Jersey & lent Auggy ! Hah, he feel pretty Great after changing !
Was goiing crazy wiith Mama, Duck & Aiirenn ! Ohhmyy, duck iis kiinda crazy alrdy pls :x
Laughiing lik nobody busiiness please ~~ 10pm, took bus wiith Baby, then alight at Tmart ~
While Baby contiinue, then go home alrdy ~ Hah ! Bought Ice-Cream Cone, from Mac (:
Now back home, postiing blog, blablabla ! Tmr 1st 3periiod, Mathsss! Gonna buck up ~
Humanities, iim gonna try my luck laaa ~ Chem, diie ! Phy, avg ! MT, try my best lorr ~
Alriight ! Gotta go for my pretty sleepp now ~~ Zhong nagggggs at meeeee -.- Shutuplaa !
Monday, August 11, 2008

Morniing went down Shop&Save with Mamii ~ Bought things for dinneer, hah !
Then back home, ate BanMiann ! Hohohs, then mom eat my leftovers, sorry :x
Rottiing at homeee, doiing nth ! Blablabla ~~ Usiing com, changiing Skiins, hahas !
Help ChinKiiat.Mamii with his Skiin tooo ~ Hah ! Not very niice ah, sorry ohhhs :x
Nothing to post actually ! Cause iim feel lik cryiing, very badly ~ Not trying to act..
Sisters, perharps we have some misunderstandiing ? I dont noe, only sorry ii can say.
I dont mean anything, iif ii did something wrong, tell me ? I'll try to change if ii can ~
Exams are around th corner and ii dont wanna think about other things, possible ?
Thanks Diion&Zhijiie for accompany-iing me ! & giviing me th best solutiion iin tiime ~
Dont worry, ii will stand up and work hard for my studiies, yea Diion ? Hah !
Happy Birthday Mummy (:
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Ytd was pretty Great yea ! Hah ~ Enjoyed myself, threesome :x
Reach Tampines Inter around 1.30pm ii guess? Hah, then went to CS..
Watch 2pm show, and rush for lunch :x Hah, sorry ! I didnt noe will rush ~
Anyway, went iin th Cinema late :x And people sit our place, whathefuck-.-
well, so sit infront, others sit too ! People sit our place, so we sit other ppl place ~
The show was GreatGreat ~ Touching & Kinda Comedy ! Must watch people (:
After show was around 4pm ? MRT to CityHall, suppose to watch Fireworks !
But started to rain, and we are walking under th rain -.- so headed back to RafflesLink !
Bought Donut, Sushi ! Hah ~ Thanks Baby (: So had nth else to do, back to Tamp :x
Hah ! Reached home and the tv is showing Live show, Fireworks time ! Damn it ~
I was suppose to be around th Esplanade thr de leyyy ~ Nabeh :x Hah ! Rain lorr ~
Hmmm, ate filet without the meat -.- Damn it ! Sick iis really not dat Great uh :x
Back to korkor room, watch show ! & Baby mother call him, and quarrel happen xP
Blablabla, didnt wish to mention ~ Her mom iis blamiing everything on, meeeeee !
Great lorr ~ Everything my fault -.- Watever laaaa ! Baby today alrdy go home le..
Today went to 201 for lunch wiith Baby ! Hah ~~ Ate KuayChap :x Niice please !
But only eat abit, then Baby eat the rest of miine.. Then went to buy Sushii, ohhmyy !
I was nt suppose to eat Sushii uhs ! Hah, then walk home while Baby bus home ~~
Home, onlineee ~~ Blablabla ! Knew smth, expectedd laaa ~ Lucky ii didnt ask :x
Alriight ! Gotta go to sleep now ~ Hah ! Pretty tiiredd now ~ Tmr no schh, hohohos !
Aand it's Mom Birthday ~ Ordered cake and she's cooking dinner too ~ Great please !
Baby will be comiing over toooo, moreee Great ahhh ! Tues Olvl MT result, siiann ~
Hopeeeeee ii will score well uhs ? Then dont need to take the same exams agaiinn ~~
Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! Im kinda dissapoiinted, 1 week and everything iis gone alrdy :(
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Hohohohos ! Back back back ~ Hah ! Happy Birthday to Singaporeeeeee (:
Now prepariing to go out alrdy ! Wooo-hoooos ~~ Great !
After so long of rottiing & stoniing at home, fiinally go out ~
Moviie wiithh Baby & Zhong ~ Hah ! Money No Enough, iim here ~
Btw, prelims are comiing alrdy ! And ii suresure faill, ii swear ~
Miissedd 1 weeks lesson, and nobody tell me anything -.- Great !
Alriight ! Baby iis done wiith hiis haiir alrdy ~ Blablabla !
Jeans outiing :x All of us wears Jean ! Hah, okayokayokay ~~~
Off alrdy ~~ Byeeeeeeeeeee ! Update later bahhs? I love beeeeee (:
Happy Birthday 43th Singaporeee (:
Friday, August 8, 2008
Sorry for late late post :x Hah ! Cnt get to sleep now, fcuk please ~~
Ytd Baby came, and peii me till 12am (: Hah, cause raining heavily !
Yupps, Baby came and was suppose to go off early, but they leaving alrdy..
Laughs* Yea, so baby intented to go home around 1o ii think? Hah ~
Rain keep him till 11pm, and his show started ! All the way till 12am !
Yeayea, so Baby went home by bus ii think ? Cause bus serviice still avaiilable ~
So ii fall asleep when he iis on his way home ! Hah, standard na, hor Baby :x
Couldnt get to sleep, 2am wake up till 4am ~ Wtf please ! Tired cnt sleep -.-
Jus like now ! Hmmm, then morniing 9am jiu wake up le ~ Nt enuff sleep !
Watch show all th way till afternoon, lunch wiith Zhong, cause nobody else ~
Baby said want to come from 12pm, till 6pm then he came -.- It's Okay laaaa !
Then Mom suggested Bedok for dinner ~ Great ! Reach thr and ordered food ~
Ate cockles ! Hahahaha ~ Best food ii had, ever siince iim hafiing th throat probs :x
Blablabla ~~ Then headed back home, suppose to watch Money No Enough 2 derr !
But no ticket -.- Got, but iis A row ! Which haf to head super up to watch der, no way ~
Yea, so planned to watch tmr ~ Together wiithh Baby ! Then nth else alrdy, hah :x
Baby iis sleeping so soundly now :( Couldnt wake hiim up ! He iis snoriing, Opps xP ~
I haf to try to sleep now ! If not tmr morniing Baby gonna make me wake up very early !
Byeeeeeeeeeeee ! People around me are gettiing lesser, andd lesser ~ Dont you realise?
Happy Olympics (:
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Aiint feeliing that great uhs ? Hah ! Siick iis not gettiing any better please ~~
Those med are jus stopping my fever, but not make my throat better, but worst ii think?
Laughs* Hope my throat will be fine when my med finish ! If nt haf to go hosp le ?
Hah, ii dont wanna go thr please ~ I've been missing for 1 week, no lesson v sian !
Blabla ! Ytd ate Ice-cream, pretty great ~ Hah ! Then th bitter med again :( Sucks !
Home with bro, cab ! Hah ~ Back home, alone :( Then Baby came ! Peii me eat porridge ~
Then play viwawa together (: Hah ! Then around 11 plus went to sleep, Baby went home.
Today morning was alright ~ Blablabla ! Went down to buy breakfast, siiann ~
Home alone really isnt feeling dat great, but no choice yea? Nobody cares ~
Blablabla ! Home alone till now, zhong is sleeping, im still home alone, hais!
All th way till tmr ii think ? Cause family will be hafing dinner outside today.
Baby is not coming, ii think ? Not staying overnight, ii suppose ? Hahaha ~
Im kinda dumb ~ Thinking dat everybody will goes my way, which will nvr !
Hah, stupid huixin ! Wake up from ur dream, nobody cares abt wat you do, ok !
If ppl care, they would do things to show ~ Blablabla, iim kinda shag ii think ?
Happy Birthday Auggy (:
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Cause keep wake up ! And ytd went to the chinese doc ~ Kinda professiional?
Hah, but his descriptiion kinda effectiive ~ After see doc, went to ahma house !
Eat porriiage, plain porriiage please -.- Saddd ! No vege, no soup :x keliian hor :(
Then back home, iim allow to eat iice-creamm ! Hah, gonna eat later, hohohos :x
Back home, went to bath ~~ Ohhmyys, bath out was lik super cold please, hah :P
Faster hide insiide my blanket ~ hah ! Then faster eat med, went to sleep alrdy ~
Really thanks Baby for peii-iing me ~ & Sorry Baby, made you worry again&again :(
11pm, wake up ! dont noe why ~~ Couldnt get to sleep anymore, and keep sweatiing !
So went to bro's room, start playiing viwawa :x Hah ! In aircon room, still sweatiing :x
Around 12 plus, went back room and try to sleep agaiin ~ Hah ! Fiinally get to sleep ~
And ii jus sneeze out blood :( My nose really hurts now :x btw, ytd go ahma house hor ~
Aunt told me abt a similar case as mine, scary ! She say need to injectiion, then operation !
Really scary, hope my throat eat med jiu can le :x Hope lorr ! Hah, playiing viwawa now ~
While waiting for Baby to come, then gonna go to ahma house agaiin, siiann la ! Sighs* :(
MC for th whole week, kinda cool uhs ? Yet none of them are concern, not even a msg ..
Blablabla ! Guilty ? Then iim saying you ~ Byeeeee ! I loveeee Xiingannn & Babyyy (:
Tuesday, August 5, 2008

backkkkkkkk ! MC 2 days, ytd and today (: iim feeliing not good, at all pls !
Super xiinku laaaaaaa ~ ytd meet mamii see doc, my throat really hurts !
Docdoc say my throat kena seriious infectiionn ~ then giimiie Sweet to suck :x
Hah ! Then went to 400+ for lunch with Mami ~ After that took bus 293 home..
Reach home, eat med ~ Then Baby came, he was playiing mahjong while ii slp ~
But till half way, ii went to toilet and vomit ~ Super xinku, thought nth alrdy .
Who noes, went back to toilet and vomit again =.= all my lunch :x Hah, erxiin !
Back to room, tryiing to get some sleep ~ But couldnt get to sleep, siighhs* paiin !
Meet mamii for dinner then back home for med ~ Siiann ahh ! Super xiinku :x
3am, wake up cause my throat really hurts ~ Cry and cry, lik nobody business !
Then wake mamii up, she coax me to sleep ~ 4am, ii fall asleep :x Nt enuff slp laa ~
Morniing 7am, wake up and throat is not getting any better . Super pain ii swear !
Baby came, and coax me to sleep ~ then eat porriiage mamii cooked, med agaiin ~
Jus eat finish lunch now ~ Gonna eat med now ! Mami say maybe goiing to the,
chinese doc ~ Ohhmyys ! I wan mamii to accompany me please ! I dont wan alone..
Okayyy byeeeeeee ! Tmr schliing? Ak ahh ~ Depends on my siick bahh? Byeeeeeee (:
Monday, August 4, 2008

Sorrrryy for not postiingg ytd :x No tiime to postt ah ! Hah ~ Cause sleepiing :x
Ytd wake up aroundd 9am, watchh WZBQW till 12 plus ~ wait for JFYF to wake up !
Then went to 201 for lunchh ! Laughs* Ate KueyChap (: Then jiu went home le ~
Saw Xingan at 201, ohhmyys ! Her mother iis lik kinda biias cans !? Siighs**
Xiingan cheeer up pls ! Laughs* Dont worry, iim here for you kayys ? Hah, smile (:
Then back home, watchh Baby play game, super super tiiredd ~ Almost fall asleep pls !
Hurhur ~ Then Daddy call me, today's dinner will be cooked by mee & zhongg ! Hah ~~
Went down to Shop&Save and start shoppiing :x Bought Vege & Ham, Laughs* Lalalala ~
And then started cookiing alrdy ! Hah, cook Ham 1st then cook Vege ~ & SteamEgg !
Was super cold suddenly ! Dont noe why, iim hafiing fever, 38 degree ~~ Ohhmyys !
Super weak :x Lie down awhile, then watch Initial D till 11pm ~ Then Baby peii mee (:
After that he bike home ~ Laughs* Today, didnt attend sch ! Morniing was still abit fever..
So now usiing Computer ! Later meetiing mamii 12pm at Old hse thr e Clinic, see doc doc !
Got to go to prepareee now ! Byeeeeeeeeeeeee ~ I miss Baby super muchh pls, ii swear (:
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Anyway, was doiing nth ii think ? Laughs* Then Bro wake up, he went off to work.
So left me & Baby ! Was peii-iing Baby, while Baby play games ~ Hah, till 12pm ba ?
I fall sleep :x Hah ! Too tiiredd alrdyy nahh ~~ So sleep dao 4 plus ii think ?
Wake up then got food eat alrdy ~ Cause mamii bought food for us, fish slice soup -.-
Bobians, iim siick ! Laughs* then watch tv, all the way till night ~ kiinda tiired pls !
Then went to bath, eat dinner, blablabla ~ Now doiing nth ! JFYF iis at my house (:
Laughs* She & korkor has been quarelliing, playplay de laa ~ and now fighting :x
For place to sleep, hah ! Alriight, goiing off alrdy (: Supper on th wayyyyyyyyy ~~
Friday, August 1, 2008
Back postiing alrdy ! Laughs* Kiinda tiiredd, cause of those med ii ate laaa ~~
Well, today schling was kinda bored pls ! Super tired de mood :x Laughs*
Sleepiing iin almost every lesson ~ But feel much better after dat, Hah !
Kinda left out, cause ytd didnt come to sch. Seems lik ii've miss many thing?
Blablabla ! MT was doing China's history -.- Almost all aslp, but iim not okay !
Then recess, ate EggBread, but th bread was kinda hard :x Maybe too long alrdy ?
Then back to class room ! Ohhmyy, Class 501 has became a East View Casino, Hah ~
Everyone ii playiing cards, even ppl from 502 came too ! Hah ~ But also great !
Physics did pratical again ! Electricity Circuit, super siian ! But also fun (:
Then End sch alrdy ! Hah, today iis not a great day, for me. Dont noe why ~~
Laughs* and nobody noes ! Hmm, create a private blog ! So ii haf 2 blog (:
If you wanna read, tag me to invite you kays ? Loveeeeeeeeeee !