Posting pictures for th time being only ! Going out soon ~ Byeeeeeee :D
Will be postiing later on, byeeee ~ Ytd discover smth, wtf pls -.-
Btw, iim back wiith Baby agaiins ♥ Happy Birthday Baby ! Loves ~
(updatedd on 3am, 6thJuly}
Ohhhhh ! Baby's birthday iis over alrdy ~~ jiieett pls ! hope he enjoys bahs ?
Friiday iis sports day, really a super great & good one ! everyday sports day jiu hao ~
Laughs* whiich iis lik iimposiible uhs ? Hmms, enjoy Sports Day super much !
Almost for the few hours, laughing & laughing lik nvr before, ii swear pls ~~
Took an bigbig family photo of XinganFamily ! Sad, auggy&aaron iis nt in :(
Next time alright ? Gonna take more then expected when thr's outiing ~~
After Sports day, all go seperates way, Laughs* Mad&Pink, went for Oral ~~
Then left JFYF & Me, peii Baby home, then he bath, then we go eat, finally !
Laughs* kinda hungry, cause was laughing & running around, tiiredd plus :x
Rush back to sch for Physic extra lesson, ohhhmyy ! Less then 10 at 1st, jiieet ~
Slowly, all late comers come and was abt half of th class bahhs? Much better !
Did paper, without notes, fcuk ! Suppose to bring, nvr bring lahs, damn it ~~
Then Mad they all end Oral, come awhile then leave liiaoos, jiieet pls, sighs*
was sitting together wiith Razmeer ~ Laughs* he lik, how the hell ii knw hw to do !?
Shared answer wiith him, discuss answer too ! Heng, he haf his textbook with him ~
Laughs* Then went to toilet, came out say YangYang, peii hiim go drink water ~
Then back to AVT together, laughs* Laughiing all th way, all thks to him -.- Hah !
4.40pm, release & took bus home, as soon as possible lahh, cause goiing out mahhs ~
Preparedd, went to madmad house meet her 1st ~ Cabb to JFYF hse, then EastCoast !
Kinda stranger look everyone has :x Cause most of them are Malinda's Friends ~~
Nvm, went thr, say hi & started to walk around ~ Laughs* Photo taken, upload soon !
Ate a few hotdogs, prawn & one chickenwing ! Laughs* Then started chattiing rubbiish ~
Diiscover smth, dont trust anyone too deeply. He/She might be wearing a mask ?
Laughs* Watever ! Till 11pm, JFYF's sis fetch us home, laughs* haf a sis kinda gd !
Reach home, kinda knock out ! The rest were all soundly asleep, sad pls ! Baby also ~
Hmmm, then 2am, Baby came iin my room & wake me up, laughs* wiin le lorr ~
Dont need slp le :x Laughs* Morning wake up around 9am, Cause of Baby also lahh !
Cook Soup & Some egg with crabmeat for Baby & Zhong for lunch ~ Super full :x
Preparedd and went out to meet JFYF at Tampines MRT statiion ~ Laughs**
Talking abt same topiic again, but iit's really kinda piissed off yea? Sighs pls ~~
Went to Topman & bought a gift card for GuanLeong ~ Then to bugiis street !
Bought Baby's present, a sch bag which he's wishing for? Laughs* ohhmyyy,
ii saw piiano bag at bugiis ! $42 pls, siighhs* ii dont care, iim gonna buy, swear pls !
Nowhr to go, back to Tampiines, then bought smth, then back to my house, laughs*
JFYF came my house too ~ Was watching some old show, still laughing, nt bad uhs :x
Hah ! Then Mom ordered PizzaHut for us, thks Mom ! KFC, service really sucks man ~
Gave us all wrong food, and it took super long to serve us, wtf :x Give us ppl food also !
Somemore iis those kind lik, gif ppl wrong, then giive us, Mac iis a better choiice pls ~
Laughs* Editiing photos, while JFYF took nap at my Bro room ! Sleeping soundly uhs ~
Around 2am then she went home ! Laughs* Her sis come fetch her home, so good !
&& whywhywhy ! Baby iis nt back home yet ~ I dont care :x Gonna wait till he's back !
Goiing off to do other things now, byeeeeeeeee ! I love Baby, super super super much ♥♥
XINGAN! gong xi huhs ?! :D
ReplyDeleteLove you last long long long!
hiie, i forget what i wanna say le... miss you miss you
ReplyDeleteToHuiyu: Laughs* ThksXingan <33
ReplyDeleteToAlegna: Sotong! Think abt it, then tell me ! Hah :D