Thursday, April 3, 2008


back postiing ! Nth much , boredd ~
Schh was alriites lahhs , maths sucks !
Out of 60 ii only got 16 -.- Lousy man !
I dont wanna listen to Vinay lesson , lols !
He always explain dao worst uu noe !? Luffs*
aniiwae , English was ohh-soo fiine ! haaas ~
Said out everything to Aiai , muchh better :)
Thks Girl ♥ But still haf solution to tink -.-
Blablabla ! Star lesson was duper duper Lame ~
Saying abt future occupatiion ! Vinay so kb lahhs ~
So many ppl playing viwawa , only catch mii :X
Oh , btw ! Madmad's pencil case was miissiing ~
Cheeeer up Girl ;D Hope she will get back asap (:
After schh chit-chatiing wif JFYF & MAMA !
Then went to look for Daddy && Mamii [ DY & CK ] !
Luffs* They are "super" loviing :x I wan a meimei (:
Bus-ed home wif MAMA , ohh-shiit lahhhhhssssss !!!
My art iis still UNDONE ! Ohhhmyyysss ~~ I'm dead -.-
Btw , thks Sheanyang for listening (: Xiexie ahhs !
I will try to fiind Grass WITHOUR MSG for you -.-
Alriight , off to do art ! If nt tmrr nagging will start :X

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