Friday, December 21, 2012

Genting with Baby & family :D

Yo ! This is our second trip to Genting this year, hehehe :)
Feeling super exicted, and we took the morning bus this time !
Woke up pretty early for breakfast, and headed off to wait for bus ~

Stupid bus driver was late by 15mins, supposed to be up in bus at 545am....
Ended up on bus at 615am... Delayed and mood was a little spoilt !
But well, still try to make the trip a exciting one, with my face.....


Okay, was watching movie on the bus all the way ! Watch 2 movie ~
"We not Naughty" and "The Vow", which was extremely nice and romantic !
And managed to caught 2 photos of nice clouds over there, hehehehehe :)

Okayokay, so after 6 hours of bus trip, we finally reach Genting !
The weather there was super cooling and lovely, extremely confortable ~
Only had my shawl on my neck, and totally in love with the weather !

Supposed to be going with family, but our bus reach earlier ! So ya...
Need to wait for them, and while waiting we went Starbuck for some beverages !
Really love the weather there ! Especially when the winds blow, wooooo ~~

Soon, family they all reached ! And started queuing for our turn to check-in hotel ~
The kids are really adorable ! Especially Skye, he's just so cute ! Kids awwwww...
Went taking photo around with the baby, especially with the christmas atmosphere ♥

And finally finally ! We got our rooms ! It's at level 11, with scenery :D
But it's pretty cold..... Anyway, got ourself settle down and of cause, photos !

Meet up with family at night for dinner ! Extremely hungry already :(
So ya... Here's all the photo for dinner, enjoy the pics and drools !

After dinner, went in to Casino for awhile ! 1st time in, hehehe :)
Firstly, it stinks... Because smoking is allowed ! But I survived !
Next, everybody look so serious machiam they bet their whole property...
But well, pretty nice experience but, I wasn't daring enough to play :(
Ended our day one in Genting and sleep pretty early, like around 11pm !

Ending our day one with a photo of me and and baby ♥

Day 2 ! Woke up around 8am, extremely tired and a little flu alrdy :(
Anyway, meet up with family and went for breakfast ! 1st time in Coffee Terrace !
They do have pretty lots of choices ! All kinds of food, pretty much convenient :)

Took quite many food, pretty heavy breakfast ! Hehehe, buffet ma :)
Egg, Century egg porridge, sausage, ham, hotcakes, fried kway tiao, and more !

Had a super filling breakfast ! Went walking around after that ~
Went for cable car with family, it's a pretty long ride no idea why........
But well, bought quite a lot of food and went back to first world hotel !
Rested for awhile, and head down to the temple ! Extremely shiok weather :D

Went to pray, walk around... And also played with fire crackers !
Ate quite a lot of 茶叶蛋 too ! Pretty nice and the soup is sweet :D
Aunt bought durian for us also, total shiokness and it's colddddd ~

Headed back to hotel again to rest ! Kind of tired actually....
Nap for like around 1 hour, headed out again for shopping :D
Merely bought a pair of shoe, nothing much to shop I must say !

Walk around for like 2 hours, meet up with family for dinner lo !
Supposedly to go resort hotel for dinner buffet... But it's closing already :(
Ended up going to 好友记 for dinner ! Pretty hungry and we eat really a lot ~

After dinner, went arcade with the kids ! Was helping them to get ticket ~
Pretty fun and interesting ~ Especially playing basketball with baby !
Hand was tired, but it's really fun ! Miss those days in secondary...... :(

Last photo of the second day ! Went back to room around 11pm....
Rested awhile and almost doze off... But woke up and went to Casino !
Together with Uncle at first, then SBB joined us ! Did the member card :)
Our face look extremely shag, it's like in the middle of the night.....
But well, headed back to sleep like around 3am ! Super tired and shag ~

So that's the last night of our Genting trip ! Sleep till quite late the next day ~
Woke up around 10am, prepared ourself and went out for breakfast :D
Headed to 好味 for food, waited for like quite long.... Pretty pissed !
Rushed to eat and meet up with the rest of the family, tired and shag :(

Took a different bus with family, ours are later than them by 30mins !
Totally very tired, and a little sick... No photos taken, too shag :(
Sleep all the way back to SG ! And that's the end of this 3D2N Genting trip !

Comparing the last Genting trip to this, last trip was a better one !
Maybe it's because of the amount of time we sleep, this trip was very rush :(
And we've more plans this trip, lots of program planned and more people !
But after all, it's fun having this getaway during this short holiday :D
Now back in SG, time to work for money and get ready for Xmas & New Year !

I've got no plan for both upcoming event.... How about you guys ?

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