Saturday, July 14, 2012

最亲爱的 ♥♥♥♥♥ !

I am so so sorry for neglecting my blog over here !
*blowdustaway* Been busy with so many stuff recently ~
There's something to be done/submit every week, stresssss :(
Assignment never stop coming and submission date getting nearer !
But still, never neglect my dearest boy ! Heheheheh, miss him ~

He's in the midst of moving house and he've not pack his stuff yet !!
Pretty cool and relax about it uh ? But I kept rush him to pack it :x
And guess where is he moving to ? MY HOUSE MY HOUSE :D
So damn happy and excited about it, at the same time a little scare ?
Well, it's gonna be a one/two year stay, it's good to see him everyday !
Just afraid of cases like when we quarrel, then we same house....


Alright, enough of whining ! Here's a little about myself now :)
I'm left with like around 5 more weeks to end 2.1 ? *YAY*
It's gonna be a good and bad thing to me, probably to the whole of MNS ?
Well, we're given option between ITSM/MS ! So after selection, split :(
Yes ! We will be splitting class, among the 3 classes, C297; C298; C299 !
The result of selection is already out, I choose ITSM and I got in :)
Roughly I know who are my classmates already, but the one whose not....
Although C299 may not be that close.... I STILL MISS C299 :'(

After 2.1, it's gonna be a brand new start for all MNS again !
With the option we all choose for our future, we gonna work hard ~
No matter how hard it is, we have to endure still isn't it ?

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