Monday, May 7, 2012

Great weekend ❤

Had been busy with school recently ! Didn't had time to update :/
School was pretty ok ? Assignment are out one by one... *STRESS*
Watch "Money No Enough" for ALC lesson on Friday, awesome (Y) !
Discussed about what's our favorite type of movie, guess what ?
I actually shared that my favorable movie is those 'end of the world' kind ~
ANYWAY ! Went shopping alone, bought some stuff & end my day ~

Worked from 11-10 on Saturday ! Quite nice working with Valerie ;)
Head over to Xiuyi's 21st Chalet after work, pretty awesome one !
Gathered with secondary cliques, chit-chatting & phototaking :D
Back home around 130am ? Super tired yet pretty awesome day spent !



Watched "Avengers" on Sunday with baby, Ervin & Yvonne ;)
Pretty awesome movie although I didn't watch those previous one !
Went Golden Mile for steamboat after dinner, pretty filling & full !
But we're still craving for beancurd..... SO WE WENT ROCHOR ;) !!
Hehehe, the guys are damn unwilling to go, but we insist :P
MRT back home after that, yet another awesome day spent :D

Will be more busy upcoming, all the assignment deadline are reaching !
Need to spent countless night doing all the work #again, NO LIFE ~.~
Okay done ! Need to get back to work now, bye bye :) *MISS ME*

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