Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Genting Trip - D2 !

Woke up around 11am, prepared & we're out for breakfast :D !

I ate Chicken Rice & he ate beef noodles ! The manager there was kind of polite & kind to us ! But he asked us to did something funny ~ He asked us for permission to do survey, so we thought it was okay ? So he said : "Ok you write : Sandwich is nice !" I was like : "Er, okay....." Then followed by, he asked baby to write "Western food is tasty!" Hahaha, malaysia..... You know ?

Anyway ! We went walking aroud & bought the ticket for Indoor theme park ❤ !

Such a pity we can't play the outdoor theme park as the weather is really shitty !

So we went shopping again :D ! Bought quite a few tops & nothing much ~ Look at this silly guy ! Trying to act like a gay with my scarf & keep asking me to take photo ! So silly ❤ !

Had dinner at this famous "Mushroom Farm" & it was super awesome (Y) !

The food there was super nice & cheap ! We order so much food & we actually finished all up ! The weather is awesome down the hill, and the wind is super cool ~~ Wooo ! Enjoyed this dinner best out of all meals :D

Headed back to Resort World & played the rollar coaster for one last time ❤ !

So.... These are the things we bought our second day in Genting ;)

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